[x] Package Manager [x] Packer [x] Theme [x] VSCode Dark [x] File Explorer [x] NvimTree [x] Status Line [x] lualine [x] Tabs [x] Bufferline [x] vim-bbye [ ] Language Processing [x] Treesitter [x] nvim-ts-autotag [x] indent-blankline.nvim [x] comment [x] norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua [x] nvim-ts-context-commentstring [ ] Native LSP config [ ] nvim-autopairs [ ] nvim-lsp-installer [ ] lspsaga [ ] symbols-outline [ ] Null-LS [ ] SchemaStore [ ] LuaSnip [ ] nvim-cmp [x] Git Integration [x] Gitsigns [ ] Find Files [ ] Telescope [ ] ff [ ] fw [ ] telescope-fzf-native.nvim [ ] which-key [ ] Bugs [ ] Web Devicons Colors don't show - But they show if you delete the compiled config and resync) - Also, changing the icon text works, it's just the color that is breaking