local function config() local status_ok, session_manager = pcall(require, 'session_manager') if not status_ok then return end local sm_config = require('session_manager.config') local function get_branch_name() local handle = io.popen('git branch --show-current 2>/dev/null') if handle == nil then return nil end local branch = handle:read('l') handle:close() if branch == nil then return nil end branch = branch:gsub('/', '--') return branch end -- this plugin saves sessions for the working directory automatically session_manager.setup({ autoload_mode = sm_config.AutoloadMode.Disabled, -- do not auto-load the last session at startup session_filename_to_dir = function(filename) local filename_without_extra = filename:sub(0, filename:find('==')) return sm_config.delimited_session_filename_to_dir(filename_without_extra) end, dir_to_session_filename = function(dir) local filename = sm_config.dir_to_delimited_session_filename(dir) local branch = get_branch_name() if branch ~= nil then return filename .. '==' .. branch else return filename end end, }) end return config