local opts = { noremap = true, silent = true } local map = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap map("", "", "", opts) vim.g.mapleader = " " vim.g.maplocalleader = " " -- Window Navigation without needing first map("n", "", "h", opts) map("n", "", "j", opts) map("n", "", "k", opts) map("n", "", "l", opts) -- Stay in visual mode when indenting map("v", "<", "", ">gv", opts) -- Resize with C-arrow map("n", "", "resize -2", opts) map("n", "", "resize +2", opts) map("n", "", "vertical resize -2", opts) map("n", "", "vertical resize +2", opts) -- Jump to column and row rather than first column in row map("n", "'", "`", opts) map("n", "`", "'", opts) -- Close context menus map('n', 'q', 'cclose', opts) -- Navigate buffers map("n", "", "BufferLineCycleNext", opts) -- :bnext map("n", "", "BufferLineCyclePrev", opts) -- :bprevious map("n", "]b", "BufferLineMoveNext", opts) map("n", "[b", "BufferLineMovePrev", opts) map("n", "w", "Bdelete", opts) -- don't close if unsaved map("n", "c", "Bdelete!", opts) -- close it no matter what B) -- Navigate Git Signs map("n", "]g", "Gitsigns next_hunk", opts) map("n", "[g", "Gitsigns prev_hunk", opts) -- Toggle Diagnostics map("n", "de", "lua vim.diagnostic.enable()", opts) map("n", "dd", "lua vim.diagnostic.disable()", opts) -- NvimTree map('n', 'e', 'NvimTreeToggle', opts) map('n', 'o', 'NvimTreeFocus', opts) -- Telescope (See also configs/telescope.lua) map("n", "ff", "Telescope find_files", opts) map("n", "fw", "Telescope live_grep", opts) map("n", "fo", "Telescope oldfiles", opts) map("n", "fp", "Telescope projects", opts) -- ahmedkhalf/project.nvim map("n", "fb", "Telescope buffers", opts) map("n", "fh", "Telescope help_tags", opts) map("n", "fs", "Telescope git_status", opts) map("n", "fc", "Telescope git_commits", opts) map("n", "gr", "Telescope lsp_references", opts) -- Lspsaga (See also configs/lspsaga.lua) --map("n", "gl", "Lspsaga show_line_diagnostics", opts) map("n", "gpd", "Lspsaga preview_definition", opts) map("n", "gs", "Lspsaga signature_help", opts) map("i", "", "Lspsaga signature_help", opts) map("n", "lr", "Lspsaga rename", opts) map("n", "la", "Lspsaga code_action", opts) map("n", "", "lua require('lspsaga.action').smart_scroll_with_saga(-1)", opts) map("n", "", "lua require('lspsaga.action').smart_scroll_with_saga(1)", opts) -- Custom "toggle summary" function for blame -- jkkj is a hack to refresh the git blame message since it doesn't update till the line changes map("n", "s", "GitBlameToggleSummaryjkkj", opts) -- LSP (see configs/lsp-installer.lua) -- disable K in visual mode map("v", "K", "", { noremap=false, silent=true }) -- Illuminate map("n", "", "lua require('illuminate').goto_next_reference()", opts) map("n", "g", "lua require('illuminate').goto_prev_reference()", opts)