" Use lf to select and open file(s) in vim (adapted from ranger). " " You need to either copy the content of this file to your ~/.vimrc or source " this file directly: " " let lfvim = "/path/to/lf.vim" " if filereadable(lfvim) " exec "source " . lfvim " endif " " You may also like to assign a key to this command: " " nnoremap <leader>l :LF<cr> " function! LF() let temp = tempname() exec 'silent !lf -selection-path=' . shellescape(temp) if !filereadable(temp) redraw! return endif let names = readfile(temp) if empty(names) redraw! return endif exec 'edit ' . fnameescape(names[0]) for name in names[1:] exec 'argadd ' . fnameescape(name) endfor redraw! endfunction command! -bar LF call LF()