@ -96,41 +96,41 @@ The following command line commands are provided by lf:
The following options can be used to customize the behavior of lf:
anchorfind boolean (default on)
dircounts boolean (default off)
dirfirst boolean (default on)
drawbox boolean (default off)
globsearch boolean (default off)
hidden boolean (default off)
icons boolean (default off)
ignorecase boolean (default on)
ignoredia boolean (default off)
incsearch boolean (default off)
number boolean (default off)
preview boolean (default on)
relativenumber boolean (default off)
reverse boolean (default off)
smartcase boolean (default on)
smartdia boolean (default off)
wrapscan boolean (default on)
wrapscroll boolean (default off)
findlen integer (default 1) (zero to prompt until single match)
period integer (default 0) (zero to disable periodic loading)
scrolloff integer (default 0)
tabstop integer (default 8)
errorfmt string (default "\033[7;31;47m%s\033[0m")
filesep string (default "\n")
hiddenfiles string (default '.*')
ifs string (default '') (not exported if empty)
info string (default '')
previewer string (default '') (not filtered if empty)
promptfmt string (default "\033[32;1m%u@%h\033[0m:\033[34;1m%w/\033[0m\033[1m%f\033[0m")
ratios string (default '1:2:3')
shell string (default 'sh')
shellopts string (default '')
sortby string (default 'natural')
timefmt string (default 'Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006')
truncatechar string (default '~')
anchorfind bool (default on)
dircounts bool (default off)
dirfirst bool (default on)
drawbox bool (default off)
errorfmt string (default "\033[7;31;47m%s\033[0m")
filesep string (default "\n")
findlen int (default 1)
globsearch bool (default off)
hidden bool (default off)
hiddenfiles []string (default '.*')
icons bool (default off)
ifs string (default '')
ignorecase bool (default on)
ignoredia bool (default off)
incsearch bool (default off)
info []string (default '')
number bool (default off)
period int (default 0)
preview bool (default on)
previewer string (default '')
promptfmt string (default "\033[32;1m%u@%h\033[0m:\033[34;1m%w/\033[0m\033[1m%f\033[0m")
ratios []int (default '1:2:3')
relativenumber bool (default off)
reverse bool (default off)
scrolloff int (default 0)
shell string (default 'sh' for unix and 'cmd.exe' for windows)
shellopts []string (default '')
smartcase bool (default on)
smartdia bool (default off)
sortby string (default 'natural')
tabstop int (default 8)
timefmt string (default 'Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006')
truncatechar string (default '~')
wrapscan bool (default on)
wrapscroll bool (default off)
The following variables are exported for shell commands:
@ -479,6 +479,199 @@ Delete the next word in forward direction.
Capitalize/uppercase/lowercase the current word and jump to the next word.
This section shows information about options to customize the behavior.
Character ':' is used as the separator for list options '[]int' and '[]string'.
anchorfind bool (default on)
When this option is enabled, find command starts matching patterns from the beginning of file names, otherwise, it can match at an arbitrary position.
dircounts bool (default off)
When this option is enabled, directory sizes show the number of items inside instead of the size of directory file.
The former needs to be calculated by reading the directory and counting the items inside.
The latter is directly provided by the operating system and it does not require any calculation, though it is non-intuitive and it can often be misleading.
This option is disabled by default for performance reasons.
This option only has an effect when 'info' has a 'size' field and the pane is wide enough to show the information.
A thousand items are counted per directory at most, and bigger directories are shown as '999+'.
dirfirst bool (default on)
Show directories first above regular files.
drawbox bool (default off)
Draw boxes around panes with box drawing characters.
errorfmt string (default "\033[7;31;47m%s\033[0m")
Format string of error messages shown in the bottom message line.
filesep string (default "\n")
File separator used in environment variables 'fs' and 'fx'.
findlen int (default 1)
Number of characters prompted for the find command.
When this value is set to 0, find command prompts until there is only a single match left.
globsearch bool (default off)
When this option is enabled, search command patterns are considered as globs, otherwise they are literals.
With globbing, '*' matches any sequence, '?' matches any character, and '[...]' or '[^...] matches character sets or ranges.
Otherwise, these characters are interpreted as they are.
hidden bool (default off)
Show hidden files.
On unix systems, hidden files are determined by the value of 'hiddenfiles'.
On windows, only files with hidden attributes are considered hidden files.
hiddenfiles []string (default '.*')
List of hidden file glob patterns.
Patterns can be given as relative or absolute paths.
Globbing supports the usual special characters, '*' to match any sequence, '?' to match any character, and '[...]' or '[^...] to match character sets or ranges.
In addition, if a pattern starts with '!', then its matches are excluded from hidden files.
icons bool (default off)
Show icons before each item in the list.
By default, only two icons, 🗀 (U+1F5C0) and 🗎 (U+1F5CE), are used for directories and files respectively, as they are supported in the unicode standard.
Icons can be configured with an environment variable named 'LF_ICONS'.
The syntax of this variable is similar to 'LS_COLORS'.
See the wiki page for an example icon configuration.
ifs string (default '')
Sets 'IFS' variable in shell commands.
It works by adding the assignment to the beginning of the command string as 'IFS='...'; ...'.
The reason is that 'IFS' variable is not inherited by the shell for security reasons.
This method assumes a POSIX shell syntax and so it can fail for non-POSIX shells.
This option has no effect when the value is left empty.
This option does not have any effect on windows.
ignorecase bool (default on)
Ignore case in search patterns.
ignoredia bool (default off)
Ignore diacritics in search patterns.
incsearch bool (default off)
Jump to the first match after each keystroke during searching.
info []string (default '')
List of information shown for directory items at the right side of pane.
Currently supported information types are 'size', 'time', 'atime', and 'ctime'.
Information is only shown when the pane width is more than twice the width of information.
number bool (default off)
Show the position number for directory items at the left side of pane.
When 'relativenumber' is enabled, only the current line shows the absolute position and relative positions are shown for the rest.
period int (default 0)
Set the interval in seconds for periodic checks of directory updates.
This works by periodically calling the 'load' command.
Note that directories are already updated automatically in many cases.
This option can be useful when there is an external process changing the displayed directory and you are not doing anything in lf.
Periodic checks are disabled when the value of this option is set to zero.
preview bool (default on)
Show previews of files and directories at the right most pane.
If the file has more lines than the preview pane, rest of the lines are not read.
Files containing the null character (U+0000) in the read portion are considered binary files and displayed as 'binary'.
previewer string (default '') (not filtered if empty)
Set the path of a previewer file to filter the content of regular files for previewing.
The file should be executable.
Two arguments are passed to the file, first is the current file name, and second is the height of preview pane.
SIGPIPE signal is sent when enough lines are read.
Preview filtering is disabled and files are displayed as they are when the value of this option is left empty.
promptfmt string (default "\033[32;1m%u@%h\033[0m:\033[34;1m%w/\033[0m\033[1m%f\033[0m")
Format string of the prompt shown in the top line.
Special expansions are provided, '%u' as the user name, '%h' as the host name, '%w' as the working directory, and '%f' as the file name.
Home folder is shown as '~' in the working directory expansion.
Directory names are automatically shortened to a single character starting from the left most parent when the prompt does not fit to the screen.
ratios []int (default '1:2:3')
List of ratios of pane widths.
Number of items in the list determines the number of panes in the ui.
When 'preview' option is enabled, the right most number is used for the width of preview pane.
relativenumber bool (default off)
Show the position number relative to the current line.
When 'number' is enabled, current line shows the absolute position, otherwise nothing is shown.
reverse bool (default off)
Reverse the direction of sort.
scrolloff int (default 0)
Minimum number of offset lines shown at all times in the top and the bottom of the screen when scrolling.
The current line is kept in the middle when this option is set to a large value that is bigger than the half of number of lines.
A smaller offset can be used when the current file is close to the beginning or end of the list to show the maximum number of items.
shell string (default 'sh' for unix and 'cmd.exe' for windows)
Shell executable to use for shell commands.
Shell commands are executed as 'shell shellopts -c command -- arguments'.
On windows, '/c' is used instead of '-c' which should work in 'cmd.exe' and 'powershell.exe'.
shellopts []string (default '')
List of shell options to pass to the shell executable.
smartcase bool (default on)
Override 'ignorecase' option when the pattern contains an uppercase character.
This option has no effect when 'ignorecase' is disabled.
smartdia bool (default off)
Override 'ignoredia' option when the pattern contains a character with diacritic.
This option has no effect when 'ignoredia' is disabled.
sortby string (default 'natural')
Sort type for directories.
Currently supported sort types are 'natural', 'name', 'size', 'time', 'ctime', 'atime', and 'ext'.
tabstop int (default 8)
Number of space characters to show for horizontal tabulation (U+0009) character.
timefmt string (default 'Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006')
Format string of the file modification time shown in the bottom line.
truncatechar string (default '~')
Truncate character shown at the end when the file name does not fit to the pane.
wrapscan bool (default on)
Searching can wrap around the file list.
wrapscroll bool (default off)
Scrolling can wrap around the file list.
The following command prefixes are used by lf:
@ -99,41 +99,41 @@ The following command line commands are provided by lf:
The following options can be used to customize the behavior of lf:
anchorfind boolean (default on)
dircounts boolean (default off)
dirfirst boolean (default on)
drawbox boolean (default off)
globsearch boolean (default off)
hidden boolean (default off)
icons boolean (default off)
ignorecase boolean (default on)
ignoredia boolean (default off)
incsearch boolean (default off)
number boolean (default off)
preview boolean (default on)
relativenumber boolean (default off)
reverse boolean (default off)
smartcase boolean (default on)
smartdia boolean (default off)
wrapscan boolean (default on)
wrapscroll boolean (default off)
findlen integer (default 1) (zero to prompt until single match)
period integer (default 0) (zero to disable periodic loading)
scrolloff integer (default 0)
tabstop integer (default 8)
errorfmt string (default "\033[7;31;47m%s\033[0m")
filesep string (default "\n")
hiddenfiles string (default '.*')
ifs string (default '') (not exported if empty)
info string (default '')
previewer string (default '') (not filtered if empty)
promptfmt string (default "\033[32;1m%u@%h\033[0m:\033[34;1m%w/\033[0m\033[1m%f\033[0m")
ratios string (default '1:2:3')
shell string (default 'sh')
shellopts string (default '')
sortby string (default 'natural')
timefmt string (default 'Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006')
truncatechar string (default '~')
anchorfind bool (default on)
dircounts bool (default off)
dirfirst bool (default on)
drawbox bool (default off)
errorfmt string (default "\033[7;31;47m%s\033[0m")
filesep string (default "\n")
findlen int (default 1)
globsearch bool (default off)
hidden bool (default off)
hiddenfiles []string (default '.*')
icons bool (default off)
ifs string (default '')
ignorecase bool (default on)
ignoredia bool (default off)
incsearch bool (default off)
info []string (default '')
number bool (default off)
period int (default 0)
preview bool (default on)
previewer string (default '')
promptfmt string (default "\033[32;1m%u@%h\033[0m:\033[34;1m%w/\033[0m\033[1m%f\033[0m")
ratios []int (default '1:2:3')
relativenumber bool (default off)
reverse bool (default off)
scrolloff int (default 0)
shell string (default 'sh' for unix and 'cmd.exe' for windows)
shellopts []string (default '')
smartcase bool (default on)
smartdia bool (default off)
sortby string (default 'natural')
tabstop int (default 8)
timefmt string (default 'Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006')
truncatechar string (default '~')
wrapscan bool (default on)
wrapscroll bool (default off)
The following variables are exported for shell commands:
@ -503,6 +503,219 @@ Delete the next word in forward direction.
Capitalize/uppercase/lowercase the current word and jump to the next word.
This section shows information about options to customize the behavior.
Character ':' is used as the separator for list options '[]int' and
anchorfind bool (default on)
When this option is enabled, find command starts matching patterns from the
beginning of file names, otherwise, it can match at an arbitrary position.
dircounts bool (default off)
When this option is enabled, directory sizes show the number of items inside
instead of the size of directory file. The former needs to be calculated by
reading the directory and counting the items inside. The latter is directly
provided by the operating system and it does not require any calculation,
though it is non-intuitive and it can often be misleading. This option is
disabled by default for performance reasons. This option only has an effect
when 'info' has a 'size' field and the pane is wide enough to show the
information. A thousand items are counted per directory at most, and bigger
directories are shown as '999+'.
dirfirst bool (default on)
Show directories first above regular files.
drawbox bool (default off)
Draw boxes around panes with box drawing characters.
errorfmt string (default "\033[7;31;47m%s\033[0m")
Format string of error messages shown in the bottom message line.
filesep string (default "\n")
File separator used in environment variables 'fs' and 'fx'.
findlen int (default 1)
Number of characters prompted for the find command. When this value is set
to 0, find command prompts until there is only a single match left.
globsearch bool (default off)
When this option is enabled, search command patterns are considered as
globs, otherwise they are literals. With globbing, '*' matches any sequence,
'?' matches any character, and '[...]' or '[^...] matches character sets or
ranges. Otherwise, these characters are interpreted as they are.
hidden bool (default off)
Show hidden files. On unix systems, hidden files are determined by the value
of 'hiddenfiles'. On windows, only files with hidden attributes are
considered hidden files.
hiddenfiles []string (default '.*')
List of hidden file glob patterns. Patterns can be given as relative or
absolute paths. Globbing supports the usual special characters, '*' to match
any sequence, '?' to match any character, and '[...]' or '[^...] to match
character sets or ranges. In addition, if a pattern starts with '!', then
its matches are excluded from hidden files.
icons bool (default off)
Show icons before each item in the list. By default, only two icons, 🗀
(U+1F5C0) and 🗎 (U+1F5CE), are used for directories and files respectively,
as they are supported in the unicode standard. Icons can be configured with
an environment variable named 'LF_ICONS'. The syntax of this variable is
similar to 'LS_COLORS'. See the wiki page for an example icon configuration.
ifs string (default '')
Sets 'IFS' variable in shell commands. It works by adding the assignment to
the beginning of the command string as 'IFS='...'; ...'. The reason is that
'IFS' variable is not inherited by the shell for security reasons. This
method assumes a POSIX shell syntax and so it can fail for non-POSIX shells.
This option has no effect when the value is left empty. This option does not
have any effect on windows.
ignorecase bool (default on)
Ignore case in search patterns.
ignoredia bool (default off)
Ignore diacritics in search patterns.
incsearch bool (default off)
Jump to the first match after each keystroke during searching.
info []string (default '')
List of information shown for directory items at the right side of pane.
Currently supported information types are 'size', 'time', 'atime', and
'ctime'. Information is only shown when the pane width is more than twice
the width of information.
number bool (default off)
Show the position number for directory items at the left side of pane. When
'relativenumber' is enabled, only the current line shows the absolute
position and relative positions are shown for the rest.
period int (default 0)
Set the interval in seconds for periodic checks of directory updates. This
works by periodically calling the 'load' command. Note that directories are
already updated automatically in many cases. This option can be useful when
there is an external process changing the displayed directory and you are
not doing anything in lf. Periodic checks are disabled when the value of
this option is set to zero.
preview bool (default on)
Show previews of files and directories at the right most pane. If the file
has more lines than the preview pane, rest of the lines are not read. Files
containing the null character (U+0000) in the read portion are considered
binary files and displayed as 'binary'.
previewer string (default '') (not filtered if empty)
Set the path of a previewer file to filter the content of regular files for
previewing. The file should be executable. Two arguments are passed to the
file, first is the current file name, and second is the height of preview
pane. SIGPIPE signal is sent when enough lines are read. Preview filtering
is disabled and files are displayed as they are when the value of this
option is left empty.
promptfmt string (default "\033[32;1m%u@%h\033[0m:\033[34;1m%w/\033[0m\033[1m%f\033[0m")
Format string of the prompt shown in the top line. Special expansions are
provided, '%u' as the user name, '%h' as the host name, '%w' as the working
directory, and '%f' as the file name. Home folder is shown as '~' in the
working directory expansion. Directory names are automatically shortened to
a single character starting from the left most parent when the prompt does
not fit to the screen.
ratios []int (default '1:2:3')
List of ratios of pane widths. Number of items in the list determines the
number of panes in the ui. When 'preview' option is enabled, the right most
number is used for the width of preview pane.
relativenumber bool (default off)
Show the position number relative to the current line. When 'number' is
enabled, current line shows the absolute position, otherwise nothing is
reverse bool (default off)
Reverse the direction of sort.
scrolloff int (default 0)
Minimum number of offset lines shown at all times in the top and the bottom
of the screen when scrolling. The current line is kept in the middle when
this option is set to a large value that is bigger than the half of number
of lines. A smaller offset can be used when the current file is close to the
beginning or end of the list to show the maximum number of items.
shell string (default 'sh' for unix and 'cmd.exe' for windows)
Shell executable to use for shell commands. Shell commands are executed as
'shell shellopts -c command -- arguments'. On windows, '/c' is used instead
of '-c' which should work in 'cmd.exe' and 'powershell.exe'.
shellopts []string (default '')
List of shell options to pass to the shell executable.
smartcase bool (default on)
Override 'ignorecase' option when the pattern contains an uppercase
character. This option has no effect when 'ignorecase' is disabled.
smartdia bool (default off)
Override 'ignoredia' option when the pattern contains a character with
diacritic. This option has no effect when 'ignoredia' is disabled.
sortby string (default 'natural')
Sort type for directories. Currently supported sort types are 'natural',
'name', 'size', 'time', 'ctime', 'atime', and 'ext'.
tabstop int (default 8)
Number of space characters to show for horizontal tabulation (U+0009)
timefmt string (default 'Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006')
Format string of the file modification time shown in the bottom line.
truncatechar string (default '~')
Truncate character shown at the end when the file name does not fit to the
wrapscan bool (default on)
Searching can wrap around the file list.
wrapscroll bool (default off)
Scrolling can wrap around the file list.
The following command prefixes are used by lf:
@ -110,41 +110,41 @@ The following command line commands are provided by lf:
The following options can be used to customize the behavior of lf:
anchorfind boolean (default on)
dircounts boolean (default off)
dirfirst boolean (default on)
drawbox boolean (default off)
globsearch boolean (default off)
hidden boolean (default off)
icons boolean (default off)
ignorecase boolean (default on)
ignoredia boolean (default off)
incsearch boolean (default off)
number boolean (default off)
preview boolean (default on)
relativenumber boolean (default off)
reverse boolean (default off)
smartcase boolean (default on)
smartdia boolean (default off)
wrapscan boolean (default on)
wrapscroll boolean (default off)
findlen integer (default 1) (zero to prompt until single match)
period integer (default 0) (zero to disable periodic loading)
scrolloff integer (default 0)
tabstop integer (default 8)
errorfmt string (default "\e033[7;31;47m%s\e033[0m")
filesep string (default "\en")
hiddenfiles string (default '.*')
ifs string (default '') (not exported if empty)
info string (default '')
previewer string (default '') (not filtered if empty)
promptfmt string (default "\e033[32;1m%u@%h\e033[0m:\e033[34;1m%w/\e033[0m\e033[1m%f\e033[0m")
ratios string (default '1:2:3')
shell string (default 'sh')
shellopts string (default '')
sortby string (default 'natural')
timefmt string (default 'Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006')
truncatechar string (default '~')
anchorfind bool (default on)
dircounts bool (default off)
dirfirst bool (default on)
drawbox bool (default off)
errorfmt string (default "\e033[7;31;47m%s\e033[0m")
filesep string (default "\en")
findlen int (default 1)
globsearch bool (default off)
hidden bool (default off)
hiddenfiles []string (default '.*')
icons bool (default off)
ifs string (default '')
ignorecase bool (default on)
ignoredia bool (default off)
incsearch bool (default off)
info []string (default '')
number bool (default off)
period int (default 0)
preview bool (default on)
previewer string (default '')
promptfmt string (default "\e033[32;1m%u@%h\e033[0m:\e033[34;1m%w/\e033[0m\e033[1m%f\e033[0m")
ratios []int (default '1:2:3')
relativenumber bool (default off)
reverse bool (default off)
scrolloff int (default 0)
shell string (default 'sh' for unix and 'cmd.exe' for windows)
shellopts []string (default '')
smartcase bool (default on)
smartdia bool (default off)
sortby string (default 'natural')
tabstop int (default 8)
timefmt string (default 'Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006')
truncatechar string (default '~')
wrapscan bool (default on)
wrapscroll bool (default off)
The following variables are exported for shell commands:
@ -597,6 +597,218 @@ Delete the next word in forward direction.
Capitalize/uppercase/lowercase the current word and jump to the next word.
This section shows information about options to customize the behavior. Character ':' is used as the separator for list options '[]int' and '[]string'.
anchorfind bool (default on)
When this option is enabled, find command starts matching patterns from the beginning of file names, otherwise, it can match at an arbitrary position.
dircounts bool (default off)
When this option is enabled, directory sizes show the number of items inside instead of the size of directory file. The former needs to be calculated by reading the directory and counting the items inside. The latter is directly provided by the operating system and it does not require any calculation, though it is non-intuitive and it can often be misleading. This option is disabled by default for performance reasons. This option only has an effect when 'info' has a 'size' field and the pane is wide enough to show the information. A thousand items are counted per directory at most, and bigger directories are shown as '999+'.
dirfirst bool (default on)
Show directories first above regular files.
drawbox bool (default off)
Draw boxes around panes with box drawing characters.
errorfmt string (default "\e033[7;31;47m%s\e033[0m")
Format string of error messages shown in the bottom message line.
filesep string (default "\en")
File separator used in environment variables 'fs' and 'fx'.
findlen int (default 1)
Number of characters prompted for the find command. When this value is set to 0, find command prompts until there is only a single match left.
globsearch bool (default off)
When this option is enabled, search command patterns are considered as globs, otherwise they are literals. With globbing, '*' matches any sequence, '?' matches any character, and '[...]' or '[^...] matches character sets or ranges. Otherwise, these characters are interpreted as they are.
hidden bool (default off)
Show hidden files. On unix systems, hidden files are determined by the value of 'hiddenfiles'. On windows, only files with hidden attributes are considered hidden files.
hiddenfiles []string (default '.*')
List of hidden file glob patterns. Patterns can be given as relative or absolute paths. Globbing supports the usual special characters, '*' to match any sequence, '?' to match any character, and '[...]' or '[^...] to match character sets or ranges. In addition, if a pattern starts with '!', then its matches are excluded from hidden files.
icons bool (default off)
Show icons before each item in the list. By default, only two icons, 🗀 (U+1F5C0) and 🗎 (U+1F5CE), are used for directories and files respectively, as they are supported in the unicode standard. Icons can be configured with an environment variable named 'LF_ICONS'. The syntax of this variable is similar to 'LS_COLORS'. See the wiki page for an example icon configuration.
ifs string (default '')
Sets 'IFS' variable in shell commands. It works by adding the assignment to the beginning of the command string as 'IFS='...'; ...'. The reason is that 'IFS' variable is not inherited by the shell for security reasons. This method assumes a POSIX shell syntax and so it can fail for non-POSIX shells. This option has no effect when the value is left empty. This option does not have any effect on windows.
ignorecase bool (default on)
Ignore case in search patterns.
ignoredia bool (default off)
Ignore diacritics in search patterns.
incsearch bool (default off)
Jump to the first match after each keystroke during searching.
info []string (default '')
List of information shown for directory items at the right side of pane. Currently supported information types are 'size', 'time', 'atime', and 'ctime'. Information is only shown when the pane width is more than twice the width of information.
number bool (default off)
Show the position number for directory items at the left side of pane. When 'relativenumber' is enabled, only the current line shows the absolute position and relative positions are shown for the rest.
period int (default 0)
Set the interval in seconds for periodic checks of directory updates. This works by periodically calling the 'load' command. Note that directories are already updated automatically in many cases. This option can be useful when there is an external process changing the displayed directory and you are not doing anything in lf. Periodic checks are disabled when the value of this option is set to zero.
preview bool (default on)
Show previews of files and directories at the right most pane. If the file has more lines than the preview pane, rest of the lines are not read. Files containing the null character (U+0000) in the read portion are considered binary files and displayed as 'binary'.
previewer string (default '') (not filtered if empty)
Set the path of a previewer file to filter the content of regular files for previewing. The file should be executable. Two arguments are passed to the file, first is the current file name, and second is the height of preview pane. SIGPIPE signal is sent when enough lines are read. Preview filtering is disabled and files are displayed as they are when the value of this option is left empty.
promptfmt string (default "\e033[32;1m%u@%h\e033[0m:\e033[34;1m%w/\e033[0m\e033[1m%f\e033[0m")
Format string of the prompt shown in the top line. Special expansions are provided, '%u' as the user name, '%h' as the host name, '%w' as the working directory, and '%f' as the file name. Home folder is shown as '~' in the working directory expansion. Directory names are automatically shortened to a single character starting from the left most parent when the prompt does not fit to the screen.
ratios []int (default '1:2:3')
List of ratios of pane widths. Number of items in the list determines the number of panes in the ui. When 'preview' option is enabled, the right most number is used for the width of preview pane.
relativenumber bool (default off)
Show the position number relative to the current line. When 'number' is enabled, current line shows the absolute position, otherwise nothing is shown.
reverse bool (default off)
Reverse the direction of sort.
scrolloff int (default 0)
Minimum number of offset lines shown at all times in the top and the bottom of the screen when scrolling. The current line is kept in the middle when this option is set to a large value that is bigger than the half of number of lines. A smaller offset can be used when the current file is close to the beginning or end of the list to show the maximum number of items.
shell string (default 'sh' for unix and 'cmd.exe' for windows)
Shell executable to use for shell commands. Shell commands are executed as 'shell shellopts -c command -- arguments'. On windows, '/c' is used instead of '-c' which should work in 'cmd.exe' and 'powershell.exe'.
shellopts []string (default '')
List of shell options to pass to the shell executable.
smartcase bool (default on)
Override 'ignorecase' option when the pattern contains an uppercase character. This option has no effect when 'ignorecase' is disabled.
smartdia bool (default off)
Override 'ignoredia' option when the pattern contains a character with diacritic. This option has no effect when 'ignoredia' is disabled.
sortby string (default 'natural')
Sort type for directories. Currently supported sort types are 'natural', 'name', 'size', 'time', 'ctime', 'atime', and 'ext'.
tabstop int (default 8)
Number of space characters to show for horizontal tabulation (U+0009) character.
timefmt string (default 'Mon Jan _2 15:04:05 2006')
Format string of the file modification time shown in the bottom line.
truncatechar string (default '~')
Truncate character shown at the end when the file name does not fit to the pane.
wrapscan bool (default on)
Searching can wrap around the file list.
wrapscroll bool (default off)
Scrolling can wrap around the file list.
The following command prefixes are used by lf:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user