add a push command to simulate key pushes
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ The following commands are provided by lf with default keybindings.
The following commands are provided by lf without default keybindings.
echo prints its arguments to the message line
cd changes working directory to its argument
push simulate key pushes given in its argument
The following options can be used to customize the behavior of lf.
@ -104,7 +105,32 @@ group statements until a "\n" occurs. This is especially useful for "map" and
"cmd" commands. If you need multiline you can wrap statements in "{{" and "}}"
after the proper prefix.
Custom Commands
The usual way to map a key sequence is to assign it to a named or unnamed
command. While this provides a clean way to remap builtin keys as well as other
commands, it can be limiting at times. For this reason "push" command is
provided by lf. This command is used to simulate key pushes given as its
arguments. You can "map" a key to a "push" command with an argument to create
various keybindings.
This is mainly useful for two purposes. First, it can be used to map a command
with a command count.
map <c-j> push 10j
Second, it can be used to avoid typing the name when a command takes arguments.
map r push :rename<space>
One thing to be careful is that since "push" command works with keys instead of
commands it is possible to accidentally create recursive bindings.
map j push 2j
These types of bindings create a deadlock when executed.
For demonstration let us write a shell command to move selected file(s) to
@ -41,8 +41,9 @@ The following commands are provided by lf with default keybindings.
The following commands are provided by lf without default keybindings.
echo prints its arguments to the message line
cd changes working directory to its argument
push simulate key pushes given in its argument
The following options can be used to customize the behavior of lf.
@ -113,7 +114,34 @@ and "cmd" commands. If you need multiline you can wrap statements in "{{"
and "}}" after the proper prefix.
Custom Commands
The usual way to map a key sequence is to assign it to a named or unnamed
command. While this provides a clean way to remap builtin keys as well as
other commands, it can be limiting at times. For this reason "push" command
is provided by lf. This command is used to simulate key pushes given as its
arguments. You can "map" a key to a "push" command with an argument to
create various keybindings.
This is mainly useful for two purposes. First, it can be used to map a
command with a command count.
map <c-j> push 10j
Second, it can be used to avoid typing the name when a command takes
map r push :rename<space>
One thing to be careful is that since "push" command works with keys instead
of commands it is possible to accidentally create recursive bindings.
map j push 2j
These types of bindings create a deadlock when executed.
For demonstration let us write a shell command to move selected file(s) to
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ cmd open-file ${{
# rename current file without overwrite
cmd rename $[ -e "$1" ] || mv "$f" "$1"
map r push :rename<space>
# show disk usage
cmd usage $du -h . | less
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
func (e *SetExpr) eval(app *App, args []string) {
@ -120,6 +121,25 @@ func (e *CmdExpr) eval(app *App, args []string) {
gOpts.cmds[] = e.expr
func splitKeys(s string) (keys []string) {
for i := 0; i < len(s); {
c, w := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[i:])
if c != '<' {
keys = append(keys, s[i:i+w])
i += w
} else {
j := i + w
for c != '>' && j < len(s) {
c, w = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s[j:])
j += w
keys = append(keys, s[i:j])
i = j
func (e *CallExpr) eval(app *App, args []string) {
// TODO: check for extra toks in each case
switch {
@ -303,6 +323,10 @@ func (e *CallExpr) eval(app *App, args []string) {
case "push":
if len(e.args) > 0 {
app.ui.keysbuf = append(app.ui.keysbuf, splitKeys(strings.Join(e.args, ""))...)
cmd, ok := gOpts.cmds[]
if !ok {
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
package main
// These inputs are used in scan and parse tests.
import (
// These inputs are used in scan and parse tests.
var gTests = []struct {
inp string
toks []string
@ -199,3 +203,33 @@ var gTests = []struct {
func TestSplitKeys(t *testing.T) {
inps := []struct {
s string
keys []string
{"", nil},
{"j", []string{"j"}},
{"jk", []string{"j", "k"}},
{"1j", []string{"1", "j"}},
{"42j", []string{"4", "2", "j"}},
{"<space>", []string{"<space>"}},
{"j<space>", []string{"j", "<space>"}},
{"j<space>k", []string{"j", "<space>", "k"}},
{"1j<space>k", []string{"1", "j", "<space>", "k"}},
{"1j<space>1k", []string{"1", "j", "<space>", "1", "k"}},
{"<>", []string{"<>"}},
{"<space", []string{"<space"}},
{"<space<", []string{"<space<"}},
{"<space<>", []string{"<space<>"}},
{"><space>", []string{">", "<space>"}},
{"><space>>", []string{">", "<space>", ">"}},
for _, inp := range inps {
if keys := splitKeys(inp.s); !reflect.DeepEqual(keys, inp.keys) {
t.Errorf("at input '%s' expected '%v' but got '%v'", inp.s, inp.keys, keys)
@ -22,6 +22,74 @@ import (
const EscapeCode = 27
var gKeyVal = map[termbox.Key][]rune{
termbox.KeyF1: []rune{'<', 'f', '-', '1', '>'},
termbox.KeyF2: []rune{'<', 'f', '-', '2', '>'},
termbox.KeyF3: []rune{'<', 'f', '-', '3', '>'},
termbox.KeyF4: []rune{'<', 'f', '-', '4', '>'},
termbox.KeyF5: []rune{'<', 'f', '-', '5', '>'},
termbox.KeyF6: []rune{'<', 'f', '-', '6', '>'},
termbox.KeyF7: []rune{'<', 'f', '-', '7', '>'},
termbox.KeyF8: []rune{'<', 'f', '-', '8', '>'},
termbox.KeyF9: []rune{'<', 'f', '-', '9', '>'},
termbox.KeyF10: []rune{'<', 'f', '-', '1', '0', '>'},
termbox.KeyF11: []rune{'<', 'f', '-', '1', '1', '>'},
termbox.KeyF12: []rune{'<', 'f', '-', '1', '2', '>'},
termbox.KeyInsert: []rune{'<', 'i', 'n', 's', 'e', 'r', 't', '>'},
termbox.KeyDelete: []rune{'<', 'd', 'e', 'l', 'e', 't', 'e', '>'},
termbox.KeyHome: []rune{'<', 'h', 'o', 'm', 'e', '>'},
termbox.KeyEnd: []rune{'<', 'e', 'n', 'd', '>'},
termbox.KeyPgup: []rune{'<', 'p', 'g', 'u', 'p', '>'},
termbox.KeyPgdn: []rune{'<', 'p', 'g', 'd', 'n', '>'},
termbox.KeyArrowUp: []rune{'<', 'u', 'p', '>'},
termbox.KeyArrowDown: []rune{'<', 'd', 'o', 'w', 'n', '>'},
termbox.KeyArrowLeft: []rune{'<', 'l', 'e', 'f', 't', '>'},
termbox.KeyArrowRight: []rune{'<', 'r', 'i', 'g', 'h', 't', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlSpace: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 's', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'e', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlA: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'a', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlB: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'b', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlC: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'c', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlD: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'd', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlE: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'e', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlF: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'f', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlG: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'g', '>'},
termbox.KeyBackspace: []rune{'<', 'b', 's', '>'},
termbox.KeyTab: []rune{'<', 't', 'a', 'b', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlJ: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'j', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlK: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'k', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlL: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'l', '>'},
termbox.KeyEnter: []rune{'<', 'e', 'n', 't', 'e', 'r', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlN: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'n', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlO: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'o', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlP: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'p', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlQ: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'q', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlR: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'r', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlS: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 's', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlT: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 't', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlU: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'u', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlV: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'v', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlW: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'w', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlX: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'x', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlY: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'y', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlZ: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', 'z', '>'},
termbox.KeyEsc: []rune{'<', 'e', 's', 'c', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlBackslash: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', '\\', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlRsqBracket: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', ']', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrl6: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', '6', '>'},
termbox.KeyCtrlSlash: []rune{'<', 'c', '-', '/', '>'},
termbox.KeySpace: []rune{'<', 's', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'e', '>'},
termbox.KeyBackspace2: []rune{'<', 'b', 's', '2', '>'},
var gValKey map[string]termbox.Key
func init() {
gValKey = make(map[string]termbox.Key)
for k, v := range gKeyVal {
gValKey[string(v)] = k
type Win struct {
w int
h int
@ -253,6 +321,7 @@ type UI struct {
message string
regprev []string
dirprev *Dir
keysbuf []string
func getWidths(wtot int) []int {
@ -467,6 +536,35 @@ func findBinds(keys map[string]Expr, prefix string) (binds map[string]Expr, ok b
func (ui *UI) pollEvent() termbox.Event {
if len(ui.keysbuf) > 0 {
ev := termbox.Event{Type: termbox.EventKey}
keys := ui.keysbuf[0]
if len(keys) == 1 {
ev.Ch, _ = utf8.DecodeRuneInString(keys)
} else {
switch keys {
case "<lt>":
ev.Ch = '<'
case "<gt>":
ev.Ch = '>'
if val, ok := gValKey[keys]; ok {
ev.Key = val
} else {
ev.Key = termbox.KeyEsc
msg := fmt.Sprintf("unknown key: %s", keys)
ui.message = msg
ui.keysbuf = ui.keysbuf[1:]
return ev
return termbox.PollEvent()
func (ui *UI) getExpr(nav *Nav) (expr Expr, count int) {
expr = &CallExpr{"renew", nil}
count = 1
@ -475,7 +573,7 @@ func (ui *UI) getExpr(nav *Nav) (expr Expr, count int) {
var cnt []rune
for {
switch ev := termbox.PollEvent(); ev.Type {
switch ev := ui.pollEvent(); ev.Type {
case termbox.EventKey:
if ev.Ch != 0 {
switch {
@ -492,121 +590,12 @@ func (ui *UI) getExpr(nav *Nav) (expr Expr, count int) {
acc = append(acc, ev.Ch)
} else {
switch ev.Key {
case termbox.KeyF1:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'f', '-', '1', '>')
case termbox.KeyF2:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'f', '-', '2', '>')
case termbox.KeyF3:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'f', '-', '3', '>')
case termbox.KeyF4:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'f', '-', '4', '>')
case termbox.KeyF5:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'f', '-', '5', '>')
case termbox.KeyF6:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'f', '-', '6', '>')
case termbox.KeyF7:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'f', '-', '7', '>')
case termbox.KeyF8:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'f', '-', '8', '>')
case termbox.KeyF9:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'f', '-', '9', '>')
case termbox.KeyF10:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'f', '-', '1', '0', '>')
case termbox.KeyF11:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'f', '-', '1', '1', '>')
case termbox.KeyF12:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'f', '-', '1', '2', '>')
case termbox.KeyInsert:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'i', 'n', 's', 'e', 'r', 't', '>')
case termbox.KeyDelete:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'd', 'e', 'l', 'e', 't', 'e', '>')
case termbox.KeyHome:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'h', 'o', 'm', 'e', '>')
case termbox.KeyEnd:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'e', 'n', 'd', '>')
case termbox.KeyPgup:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'p', 'g', 'u', 'p', '>')
case termbox.KeyPgdn:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'p', 'g', 'd', 'n', '>')
case termbox.KeyArrowUp:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'u', 'p', '>')
case termbox.KeyArrowDown:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'd', 'o', 'w', 'n', '>')
case termbox.KeyArrowLeft:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'l', 'e', 'f', 't', '>')
case termbox.KeyArrowRight:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'r', 'i', 'g', 'h', 't', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlSpace: // also KeyCtrlTilde and KeyCtrl2
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 's', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'e', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlA:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'a', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlB:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'b', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlC:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'c', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlD:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'd', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlE:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'e', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlF:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'f', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlG:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'g', '>')
case termbox.KeyBackspace: // also KeyCtrlH
acc = append(acc, '<', 'b', 's', '>')
case termbox.KeyTab: // also KeyCtrlI
acc = append(acc, '<', 't', 'a', 'b', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlJ:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'j', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlK:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'k', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlL:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'l', '>')
case termbox.KeyEnter: // also KeyCtrlM
acc = append(acc, '<', 'e', 'n', 't', 'e', 'r', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlN:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'n', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlO:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'o', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlP:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'p', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlQ:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'q', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlR:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'r', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlS:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 's', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlT:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 't', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlU:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'u', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlV:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'v', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlW:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'w', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlX:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'x', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlY:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'y', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlZ:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', 'z', '>')
case termbox.KeyEsc: // also KeyCtrlLsqBracket and KeyCtrl3
val := gKeyVal[ev.Key]
if string(val) == "<esc>" {
acc = nil
case termbox.KeyCtrlBackslash: // also KeyCtrl4
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', '\\', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlRsqBracket: // also KeyCtrl5
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', ']', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrl6:
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', '6', '>')
case termbox.KeyCtrlSlash: // also KeyCtrlUnderscore and KeyCtrl7
acc = append(acc, '<', 'c', '-', '/', '>')
case termbox.KeySpace:
acc = append(acc, '<', 's', 'p', 'a', 'c', 'e', '>')
case termbox.KeyBackspace2: // also KeyCtrl8
acc = append(acc, '<', 'b', 's', '2', '>')
acc = append(acc, val...)
binds, ok := findBinds(gOpts.keys, string(acc))
@ -672,7 +661,7 @@ func (ui *UI) prompt(nav *Nav, pref string) string {
var buf []rune
for {
switch ev := termbox.PollEvent(); ev.Type {
switch ev := ui.pollEvent(); ev.Type {
case termbox.EventKey:
if ev.Ch != 0 {
lacc = append(lacc, ev.Ch)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user