202 lines
3.9 KiB
202 lines
3.9 KiB
package main
// These inputs are used in scan and parse tests.
var gTests = []struct {
inp string
toks []string
exprs []Expr
"# comments start with '#'",
"set hidden # trailing comments are allowed",
[]string{"set", "hidden", "\n"},
[]Expr{&SetExpr{"hidden", ""}},
"set hidden; set preview",
[]string{"set", "hidden", ";", "set", "preview", "\n"},
[]Expr{&SetExpr{"hidden", ""}, &SetExpr{"preview", ""}},
"set ratios 1:2:3",
[]string{"set", "ratios", "1:2:3", "\n"},
[]Expr{&SetExpr{"ratios", "1:2:3"}},
"set ratios 1:2:3;",
[]string{"set", "ratios", "1:2:3", ";"},
[]Expr{&SetExpr{"ratios", "1:2:3"}},
":set ratios 1:2:3",
[]string{":", "set", "ratios", "1:2:3", "\n", "\n"},
[]Expr{&ListExpr{[]Expr{&SetExpr{"ratios", "1:2:3"}}}},
":set ratios 1:2:3;",
[]string{":", "set", "ratios", "1:2:3", ";", "\n"},
[]Expr{&ListExpr{[]Expr{&SetExpr{"ratios", "1:2:3"}}}},
"map gh cd ~",
[]string{"map", "gh", "cd", "~", "\n"},
[]Expr{&MapExpr{"gh", &CallExpr{"cd", []string{"~"}}}},
"map gh cd ~;",
[]string{"map", "gh", "cd", "~", ";"},
[]Expr{&MapExpr{"gh", &CallExpr{"cd", []string{"~"}}}},
"map gh :cd ~",
[]string{"map", "gh", ":", "cd", "~", "\n", "\n"},
[]Expr{&MapExpr{"gh", &ListExpr{[]Expr{&CallExpr{"cd", []string{"~"}}}}}},
"map gh :cd ~;",
[]string{"map", "gh", ":", "cd", "~", ";", "\n"},
[]Expr{&MapExpr{"gh", &ListExpr{[]Expr{&CallExpr{"cd", []string{"~"}}}}}},
"cmd usage $du -h . | less",
[]string{"cmd", "usage", "$", "du -h . | less", "\n"},
[]Expr{&CmdExpr{"usage", &ExecExpr{"$", "du -h . | less"}}},
"map u usage",
[]string{"map", "u", "usage", "\n"},
[]Expr{&MapExpr{"u", &CallExpr{"usage", nil}}},
"map u usage;",
[]string{"map", "u", "usage", ";"},
[]Expr{&MapExpr{"u", &CallExpr{"usage", nil}}},
"map u :usage",
[]string{"map", "u", ":", "usage", "\n", "\n"},
[]Expr{&MapExpr{"u", &ListExpr{[]Expr{&CallExpr{"usage", nil}}}}},
"map u :usage;",
[]string{"map", "u", ":", "usage", ";", "\n"},
[]Expr{&MapExpr{"u", &ListExpr{[]Expr{&CallExpr{"usage", nil}}}}},
"map u $du -h . | less",
[]string{"map", "u", "$", "du -h . | less", "\n"},
[]Expr{&MapExpr{"u", &ExecExpr{"$", "du -h . | less"}}},
"cmd usage $du -h \"$1\" | less",
[]string{"cmd", "usage", "$", `du -h "$1" | less`, "\n"},
[]Expr{&CmdExpr{"usage", &ExecExpr{"$", `du -h "$1" | less`}}},
"map u usage /",
[]string{"map", "u", "usage", "/", "\n"},
[]Expr{&MapExpr{"u", &CallExpr{"usage", []string{"/"}}}},
`cmd gohome :{{
cd ~
set hidden
[]string{"cmd", "gohome", ":", "{{",
"cd", "~", "\n",
"set", "hidden", "\n",
"}}", "\n"},
[]Expr{&CmdExpr{"gohome", &ListExpr{[]Expr{
&CallExpr{"cd", []string{"~"}},
&SetExpr{"hidden", ""}}},
`map gh :{{
cd ~
set hidden
[]string{"map", "gh", ":", "{{",
"cd", "~", "\n",
"set", "hidden", "\n",
"}}", "\n"},
[]Expr{&MapExpr{"gh", &ListExpr{[]Expr{
&CallExpr{"cd", []string{"~"}},
&SetExpr{"hidden", ""}}},
`map c ${{
mkdir foo
IFS=':'; cp ${fs} foo
tar -czvf "foo.tar.gz" foo
rm -rf foo
[]string{"map", "c", "$", "{{", `
mkdir foo
IFS=':'; cp ${fs} foo
tar -czvf "foo.tar.gz" foo
rm -rf foo
`, "}}", "\n"},
[]Expr{&MapExpr{"c", &ExecExpr{"$", `
mkdir foo
IFS=':'; cp ${fs} foo
tar -czvf "foo.tar.gz" foo
rm -rf foo
`cmd compress ${{
mkdir "$1"
IFS=':'; cp ${fs} "$1"
tar -czvf "$1.tar.gz" "$1"
rm -rf "$1"
[]string{"cmd", "compress", "$", "{{", `
mkdir "$1"
IFS=':'; cp ${fs} "$1"
tar -czvf "$1.tar.gz" "$1"
rm -rf "$1"
`, "}}", "\n"},
[]Expr{&CmdExpr{"compress", &ExecExpr{"$", `
mkdir "$1"
IFS=':'; cp ${fs} "$1"
tar -czvf "$1.tar.gz" "$1"
rm -rf "$1"