function removeBloat(webview) { console.log("removing bloat") webview.executeJavaScript(`document.getElementsByClassName("anchor-3Z-8Bb anchorUnderlineOnHover-2ESHQB")[0].remove();`) // Remove top-right help button webview.executeJavaScript(`document.getElementsByClassName("contents-18-Yxp button-3AYNKb button-2vd_v_")[0].remove();`) // Remove gift from chat webview.executeJavaScript(`document.getElementsByClassName("noticeDefault-362Ko2 notice-2FJMB4 size14-3iUx6q height36-36OHCc")[document.getElementsByClassName("noticeDefault-362Ko2 notice-2FJMB4 size14-3iUx6q height36-36OHCc").length - 1].remove();`) // Remove "get push to talk" top notification webview.executeJavaScript(`document.getElementsByClassName("channelNotice-1-XFjC invite-OjTXrW")[document.getElementsByClassName("channelNotice-1-XFjC invite-OjTXrW").length - 1].remove();`) // Remove "invite people" notification } function muteMic(webview){ console.log("not talking") webview.sendInputEvent({keyCode: 'Backspace', type: 'keyUp'}); webview.sendInputEvent({keyCode: 'Backspace', type: 'char'}); } onload = () => { const webview = document.querySelector('webview') let muteTimeout = null // Insert JS to detect when discord finishes loading webview.addEventListener('did-finish-load', function() { webview.executeJavaScript(` let dlButton = document.getElementsByClassName("listItem-2P_4kh"); t = setInterval(function(){ if(dlButton.length != 0) { console.log("discord-load-complete") clearInterval(t) }else { console.log("waiting for load") } }, 500); `) }); // Send commands to preload.js webview.addEventListener('console-message', (e) => { if (e.message === "Constructed RTCPeerConnection") { console.log("Connected to server") removeBloat(webview) window.postMessage({ type: "connected"}, "*") } if (e.message === "Close RTCPeerConnection") { console.log("Disconnected from server") window.postMessage({ type: "disconnected"}, "*") } if (e.message === "muted") { console.log("Self Muted in Discord") removeBloat(webview) window.postMessage({ type: "self-muted"}, "*") } if (e.message === "unmuted") { console.log("Self Un-Muted in Discord") removeBloat(webview) window.postMessage({ type: "self-unmuted"}, "*") } if (e.message === "signalingState => stable, negotiation needed: false") { console.log("Mute/Unmute") removeBloat(webview) webview.executeJavaScript(` if (document.querySelectorAll('[aria-label="Mute"]').length === 0){ console.log("muted") }else { console.log("unmuted") } `) } // To be finished if (e.message === "DOM changed") { removeBloat(webview) } // Execute JS into the webview after login if (e.message === "discord-load-complete") { webview.executeJavaScript(`document.getElementsByClassName("listItem-2P_4kh")[document.getElementsByClassName("listItem-2P_4kh").length - 1].remove();`) // Remove download button removeBloat(webview) } }) // Accept commands from preload.js window.addEventListener( "message", event => { if (event.origin === "file://" && event.source === window) { if ( === "devMode" && === "true") { webview.openDevTools() } if ( === 'micOpen'){ clearTimeout(muteTimeout) // Cancel mic-off incase of accidental double-tap console.log("talking") webview.sendInputEvent({keyCode: 'Backspace', type: 'keyDown'}); webview.sendInputEvent({keyCode: 'Backspace', type: 'char'}); } if ( === 'micClose'){ muteTimeout = setTimeout(() => muteMic(webview), 1000); // 1 second threshold incase of accidental double-click or release so the user doesn't cut-out } } }, false ) }