function openMic(webview){ console.log("talking") document.getElementById("overlay").style.display = "block"; webview.sendInputEvent({keyCode: 'Backspace', type: 'keyDown'}); webview.sendInputEvent({keyCode: 'Backspace', type: 'char'}); } function muteMic(webview){ console.log("not talking") document.getElementById("overlay").style.display = "none"; webview.sendInputEvent({keyCode: 'Backspace', type: 'keyUp'}); webview.sendInputEvent({keyCode: 'Backspace', type: 'char'}); } function removeBloat(webview) { console.log("--Removing bloat") bloatList = [ 'noticeDefault', 'noticeBrand', 'actionButtons-14eAc_', ] bloatList.forEach(function(tag){ webview.executeJavaScript(` document.querySelectorAll("div[class^=${tag}]").forEach(e => { console.log(e) e.remove() }) `) }) } // Creates an observer for user list to detect if server is switched function userListChangeListener(webview) { webview.executeJavaScript(` const userList = document.getElementsByClassName("sidebar-2K8pFh")[0] const userListconfig = { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: false }; const userListChangeCallback = function(mutationsList, observer) { console.log('--user list changed'); if (document.querySelectorAll('[aria-label="Disconnect"]').length === 1){ console.log('--user is connected to voice server') }else { console.log('--user is not connected to voice server') } }; const userListObserver = new MutationObserver(userListChangeCallback); userListObserver.observe(userList, userListconfig); `) } function userMuteDeafenListener(webview) { webview.executeJavaScript(` const userMuteDeafen = document.getElementsByClassName("container-3baos1")[0] const userMuteDeafenconfig = { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: false }; const userMuteDeafencallback = function(mutationsList, observer) { isMicMuted() }; const userMuteDeafenObserver = new MutationObserver(userMuteDeafencallback); userMuteDeafenObserver.observe(userMuteDeafen, userMuteDeafenconfig); `) } onload = () => { document.getElementById("overlay").style.display = "none"; const webview = document.querySelector('webview') let muteTimeout = null // Insert JS to detect when discord finishes loading webview.addEventListener('did-finish-load', function() { webview.executeJavaScript(` let dlButton = document.getElementsByClassName("listItem-2P_4kh"); t = setInterval(function(){ if(dlButton.length != 0) { console.log("--discord-load-complete") clearInterval(t) isMicMuted() }else { console.log("waiting for load") } }, 500); `) // Insert a function that will be called later webview.executeJavaScript(` function isMicMuted() { if (document.querySelectorAll('[aria-label="Mute"]')[0].getAttribute("aria-checked") === "false"){ console.log("unmuted") }else { console.log("muted") } } `) }); // Send commands to preload.js webview.addEventListener('console-message', (e) => { if (e.message === "--user is connected to voice server") { console.log("Connected to server") window.postMessage({ type: "connected"}, "*") } if (e.message === "--user is not connected to voice server") { console.log("Disconnected from server") window.postMessage({ type: "disconnected"}, "*") } if (e.message === "muted") { console.log("Self Muted in Discord") window.postMessage({ type: "self-muted"}, "*") } if (e.message === "unmuted") { console.log("Self Un-Muted in Discord") window.postMessage({ type: "self-unmuted"}, "*") } // Execute JS into the webview after login if (e.message === "--discord-load-complete") { webview.executeJavaScript(`document.getElementsByClassName("listItem-2P_4kh")[document.getElementsByClassName("listItem-2P_4kh").length - 1].remove();`) // Remove download button userListChangeListener(webview) userMuteDeafenListener(webview) removeBloat(webview) } }) // Accept commands from preload.js window.addEventListener( "message", event => { if (event.origin === "file://" && event.source === window) { if ( === "devMode" && === "true") { webview.openDevTools() } if ( === 'micOpen'){ openMic(webview) window.postMessage({ type: "confirmMicOpen"}, "*") } if ( === 'micClose'){ muteMic(webview) window.postMessage({ type: "confirmMicClose"}, "*") } } }, false ) }