const { app, BrowserWindow, ipcMain } = require('electron') const { initConfig, saveConfig } = require('./src/config') const path = require('path') const URL = require('url').URL const {clipboard} = require('electron') const config = require('./src/config') let ioHook = null const { session } = require('electron') try { ioHook = require('iohook') } catch(e) { console.log(e) ioHook = false } 'use strict'; let mainWindow let logWindow let settingsWindow let devMode = false let selfMute = false let isConnected = false let webViewSession = null let isTalking = false let muteTimeout = null let configObj let micPermissionGranted = false let isChangingPTTKey = false let pttEnable = 'mousedown' // init to mousedown/up let pttDisable = 'mouseup' let pttWatch = 'button' // Set Dev mode if (process.argv.length === 3) { if (process.argv[2] === 'dev'){ devMode = true } } function unmuteMic() { if ( selfMute === false){ isTalking = true console.log("Talking") mainWindow.webContents.send('micOpen', 'mic-open') mainWindow.setTitle("MIC OPEN") } } function muteMic() { console.log("Not Talking") mainWindow.webContents.send('micClose', 'mic-closed') mainWindow.setTitle("MIC CLOSED") } function createMainWindow () { // Create the browser window. mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 1230, height: 800, webPreferences: { preload: path.join(__dirname, 'src/mainLoad.js'), partition: 'persist:discord', nodeIntegration: false, // enableRemoteModule: false, // webviewTag: true, sandbox: true, nodeIntegrationInSubFrames: false, webSecurity: true, allowRunningInsecureContent: false, plugins: false, experimentalFeatures: false }, frame: false }) mainWindow.loadFile('./views/index.html') mainWindow.setTitle("Discord Sandboxed") mainWindow.on('closed', function () { mainWindow = null }) } function createLogWindow() { logWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 700, height: 400, resizable: false, webPreferences: { preload: path.join(__dirname, 'src/logLoad.js'), nodeIntegration: false, // enableRemoteModule: false, // webviewTag: true, sandbox: true, nodeIntegrationInSubFrames: false, webSecurity: true, allowRunningInsecureContent: false, plugins: false, experimentalFeatures: false }, frame: false }) logWindow.loadFile('./views/log.html') logWindow.setTitle("Logs") logWindow.on('closed', function () { logWindow = null }) } function createSettingsWindow() { settingsWindow = new BrowserWindow({ width: 700, height: 400, show: true, resizable: false, alwaysOnTop:true, webPreferences: { preload: path.join(__dirname, 'src/settingsLoad.js'), nodeIntegration: false, enableRemoteModule: false, }, frame: false }) settingsWindow.loadFile('./views/settings.html') settingsWindow.setTitle("Settings") settingsWindow.on('closed', function () { isChangingPTTKey = false settingsWindow = null }) } function maximizeMinimizeState(windowName){ if (windowName.isMaximized()) { windowName.unmaximize() } else { windowName.maximize() } } function restartioHook() { if (ioHook) { console.log("restarting io Hook") return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ioHook.removeAllListeners('mousedown', () => {}) ioHook.removeAllListeners('mouseup', () => {}) ioHook.removeAllListeners('keydown', () => {}) ioHook.removeAllListeners('keyup', () => {}) ioHook.unload() console.log("ioHook stopped") return resolve(true) }).then (v => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ioHook.load() console.log("ioHook started") return resolve(true) }).then(v => { ioHook.start() return resolve(true) }) }) }) } } function setPTTKey() { if (ioHook && configObj.pttDevice && configObj.pttDevice) { console.log("Set PTT Key") if (configObj.pttDevice === 'mouse'){ pttEnable = 'mousedown' pttDisable = 'mouseup' pttWatch = 'button' }else if (configObj.pttDevice === 'keyboard'){ pttEnable = 'keydown' pttDisable = 'keyup' pttWatch = 'keycode' }else { console.log("ERROR: configObj did not set PTT device to mouse or keyboard.") } ioHook.on(pttEnable, event => { if (event[pttWatch] == configObj.key && (micPermissionGranted === true) && (isConnected === true) && (isChangingPTTKey === false)) { clearTimeout(muteTimeout) unmuteMic() } }) ioHook.on(pttDisable, event => { if (event[pttWatch] == configObj.key) { if (isTalking === true) { isTalking = false muteTimeout = setTimeout(() => muteMic(), configObj.delay) } } }) }else { console.log("Not listening for keypresses. ioHook library error or PTT keys not set.") } } app.on('ready', createMainWindow) // Quit when all windows are closed. app.on('window-all-closed', function () { if (process.platform !== 'darwin') app.quit() }) app.on('activate', function () { if (mainWindow === null) createMainWindow() }) // Force single instance let isSingleInstance = app.requestSingleInstanceLock() if (!isSingleInstance) { app.quit() } // Force focus on single instance app.on('second-instance', (event, argv, cwd) => { if (mainWindow) { if (mainWindow.isMinimized()) mainWindow.restore() mainWindow.focus() } if (logWindow) { if (logWindow.isMinimized()) mainWindow.restore() logWindow.focus() } }) /* Security Stuff */ app.on('web-contents-created', (event, contents) => { // contents.on('will-attach-webview', (event, webPreferences, params) => { // Strip away preload scripts if unused or verify their location is legitimate delete webPreferences.preload delete webPreferences.preloadURL // Disable Node.js integration webPreferences.nodeIntegration = false console.log(`web-contents-created: ${params.src}`) // Verify is being loaded if (!params.src.startsWith('')) { event.preventDefault() } }) }) app.on('web-contents-created', (event, contents) => { // contents.on('will-navigate', (event, navigationUrl) => { // const parsedUrl = new URL(navigationUrl) console.log(`will-navigate ${navigationUrl}`) if (parsedUrl.origin !== '') { // Limit navigation to; not really relevant event.preventDefault() } }) contents.on('new-window', async (event, navigationUrl) => { clipboard.writeText(navigationUrl, 'selection') // I really hope this is safe to do. Could also do a little URL cleaning here to remove trackers console.log(`URL ${navigationUrl.toString().slice(0, 20)} Copied to Clipboard`) mainWindow.webContents.send('URLCopied', null) //event.preventDefault() // Prevents external links from opening }) }) /* ---- */ app.on ('browser-window-blur', function (event, browserWindow) { browserWindow.webContents.send('unfocused', null) }) app.on ('browser-window-focus', function (event, browserWindow) { browserWindow.webContents.send('focused', null) }) app.on('ready', () => { // Handle permission requests webViewSession = mainWindow.webContents.session webViewSession.setPermissionRequestHandler((webContents, permission, callback) => { // deny all permissions const url = webContents.getURL() if (url.startsWith('')) { if (permission === 'media' && isConnected === true) { // if user is connected to Discord voice then enable microphone console.log("User connected to Discord VOIP server. Granted permission for microphone") micPermissionGranted = true return callback(true) } } console.log("Denied permission: ", permission) return callback(false) }) }) ipcMain.on('asynchronous-message', (event, _data) => { let msg = _data.msg if (msg === 'connected') { console.log("User connected to Discord VOIP server") if (micPermissionGranted === false && selfMute === false){ micPermissionGranted = true } isConnected = true } if (msg === 'disconnected') { console.log("User disconnected to Discord VOIP server") isConnected = false } if (msg === 'self-muted') { console.log("User self-muted") webViewSession.setPermissionRequestHandler(null) selfMute = true } if (msg === 'self-unmuted') { console.log("User self-unmuted") selfMute = false } if (msg === 'DOMready') { console.log("Discord webview loaded") mainWindow.webContents.send('devMode', devMode) } if (msg === 'confirmMicClose') { if (isTalking === true) { console.log("Mic state desync. Opening Mic.") unmuteMic() } } if (msg === 'blockUpdate') { if (logWindow){ logWindow.webContents.send('blockUpdate', } } if (msg === 'minimizeApplication') { if ( === 0) { mainWindow.minimize() } if ( === 1) { logWindow.minimize() } if ( === 2) { settingsWindow.minimize() } } if (msg === 'maximizeApplication') { if ( === 0) { maximizeMinimizeState(mainWindow) } if ( === 1) { maximizeMinimizeState(logWindow) } if ( === 2) { maximizeMinimizeState(settingsWindow) } } if (msg === 'closeApplication') { if ( === 0) { app.quit() } if ( === 1) { logWindow.close() } if ( === 2) { settingsWindow.close() } } if (msg === 'openLog') { if (logWindow) { if (logWindow.isMinimized()) logWindow.restore() logWindow.focus() }else { createLogWindow() } } if (msg === 'openSettings') { if (settingsWindow) { if (settingsWindow.isMinimized()) settingsWindow.restore() settingsWindow.focus() }else { createSettingsWindow() } } if (msg === 'SettingsDOMReady') { if (settingsWindow) { console.log("SettingsDOMReady. Sending Settings DOM obj") settingsWindow.webContents.send('settingsObj', configObj) } } if (msg === 'setPTTKey') { if (settingsWindow) { if (ioHook) { isChangingPTTKey = true console.log("waiting for user to rebind") if (settingsWindow && isChangingPTTKey) { restartioHook().then(v => { mainWindow.blur() ioHook.once('keydown', event => { if (settingsWindow && isChangingPTTKey) { console.log("rebind success") configObj.pttDevice = 'keyboard' configObj.key = event.keycode isChangingPTTKey = false saveConfig(configObj) settingsWindow.webContents.send('settingsObj', configObj) setPTTKey() } }) // Ignore using left click (mouse1) ioHook.once('mousedown', event => { if (settingsWindow && isChangingPTTKey && event.button !== 1) { console.log("rebind success") configObj.pttDevice = 'mouse' configObj.key = event.button isChangingPTTKey = false saveConfig(configObj) settingsWindow.webContents.send('settingsObj', configObj) setPTTKey() } }) }) } } } } if (msg === 'cancelSetPTTKey') { console.log("cancel set new PTT") isChangingPTTKey = false saveConfig(configObj) settingsWindow.webContents.send('settingsObj', configObj) } if (msg === 'setPTTDelay') { console.log(`New PTT Delay: ${} ms`) configObj.delay = saveConfig(configObj) settingsWindow.webContents.send('settingsObj', configObj) } if (msg === 'disablePTT') { if ( === false) { console.log(`PTT Disabled`) configObj.delay = null configObj.key = null configObj.pttDevice = null saveConfig(configObj) settingsWindow.webContents.send('settingsObj', configObj) } if ( === true) { console.log(`PTT Enabled`) configObj.delay = 1000 configObj.key = "none" configObj.pttDevice = "none" saveConfig(configObj) settingsWindow.webContents.send('settingsObj', configObj) } } }) app.on('ready', event => { console.log(`Dev Mode: ${devMode}`) initConfig() .then(value => { configObj = value return configObj }) .then(configObj => { console.log(configObj) restartioHook().then(() => { setPTTKey() }) }) })