141 lines
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141 lines
5.1 KiB
import * as electronRemote from '@electron/remote';
const electronConsole = electronRemote.getGlobal('console') as Console;
import Logger from '../../../logger/logger';
const LOG = Logger.create(__filename, electronConsole);
import Globals from '../globals';
import BaseElements from './require/base-elements';
import ElementsUtil from './require/elements-util';
import { GuildMetadata } from '../data-types';
import Q from '../q-module';
import CombinedGuild from '../guild-combined';
export default function createGuildSettingsOverlay(document: Document, q: Q, guild: CombinedGuild, guildMeta: GuildMetadata): HTMLElement {
let element = BaseElements.createOverlay(document, {
class: 'content submit-dialog guild-settings', content: [
{ class: 'guild preview', content: [
{ class: 'icon', content: { tag: 'img', src: './img/loading.svg', alt: 'icon' } },
{ class: 'name', content: guildMeta.name }
] },
{ class: 'text-input guild-name', placeholder: 'New Guild Name',
contenteditable: 'plaintext-only', content: guildMeta.name },
{ class: 'image-input guild-icon', content: [
{ tag: 'label', class: 'image-input-label button', content: [
'Select New Icon',
{ class: 'image-input-upload', tag: 'input', type: 'file', accept: '.png,.jpg,.jpeg', style: 'display: none;' }
] }
] },
{ class: 'lower', content: [
{ class: 'error' },
{ class: 'buttons', content: [
{ class: 'button submit', content: 'Save Changes' }
] }
] }
(async () => {
(q.$$$(element, '.icon img') as HTMLImageElement).src = await ElementsUtil.getImageBufferFromResourceFailSoftly(guild, guildMeta.iconResourceId);
let newIconBuff: Buffer | null = null;
BaseElements.bindImageUploadEvents(q.$$$(element, '.image-input-upload') as HTMLInputElement, {
maxSize: Globals.MAX_ICON_SIZE,
acceptedMimeTypes: [ 'image/png', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpg' ],
onChangeStart: () => { q.$$$(element, '.error').innerText = ''; },
onCleared: () => {},
onError: async (errMsg) => {
q.$$$(element, '.error').innerText = errMsg;
await ElementsUtil.shakeElement(q.$$$(element, '.image-input-upload.guild-icon'), 400);
onLoaded: (buff, src) => {
newIconBuff = buff;
(q.$$$(element, '.guild .icon img') as HTMLImageElement).src = src;
q.$$$(element, '.text-input').addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
if (e.key == 'Enter') {
q.$$$(element, '.button.submit').click();
q.$$$(element, '.text-input').addEventListener('input', () => {
q.$$$(element, '.guild.preview .name').innerText = q.$$$(element, '.text-input').innerText;
let submitting = false;
q.$$$(element, '.button.submit').addEventListener('click', async () => {
if (submitting) return;
submitting = true;
q.$$$(element, '.error').innerText = '';
q.$$$(element, '.button.submit').innerText = 'Saving...';
let newName = q.$$$(element, '.text-input').innerText;
if (newName == guildMeta.name && newIconBuff == null) {
// nothing changed, close the dialog
let success = false;
if (newName != guildMeta.name && newName.length == 0) {
LOG.warn('attempted to set empty guild name');
q.$$$(element, '.button.submit').innerText = 'Try Again';
q.$$$(element, '.error').innerText = 'New name is empty';
await ElementsUtil.shakeElement(q.$$$(element, '.button.submit'), 400);
} else if (newName != guildMeta.name && newName.length > Globals.MAX_GUILD_NAME_LENGTH) {
LOG.warn('attempted to oversized guild name');
q.$$$(element, '.button.submit').innerText = 'Try Again';
q.$$$(element, '.error').innerText = 'New name is too long. ' + newName.length + ' > ' + Globals.MAX_GUILD_NAME_LENGTH;
await ElementsUtil.shakeElement(q.$$$(element, '.button.submit'), 400);
} else { // client-size icon size checks are handled above
let failed = false;
// Set Name
if (newName != guildMeta.name) {
try {
await guild.requestSetGuildName(newName);
guildMeta = await guild.fetchMetadata();
} catch (e) {
LOG.error('error setting new guild name', e);
q.$$$(element, '.button.submit').innerText = 'Try Again';
q.$$$(element, '.error').innerText = 'Error setting new guild name';
await ElementsUtil.shakeElement(q.$$$(element, '.button.submit'), 400);
failed = true;
// Set Icon
if (!failed && newIconBuff != null) {
try {
await guild.requestSetGuildIcon(newIconBuff);
newIconBuff = null; // prevent resubmit
} catch (e) {
LOG.error('error setting new guild icon', e);
q.$$$(element, '.button.submit').innerText = 'Try Again';
q.$$$(element, '.error').innerText = 'Error setting new guild icon';
await ElementsUtil.shakeElement(q.$$$(element, '.button.submit'), 400);
failed = true;
success = !failed;
q.$$$(element, '.text-input').setAttribute('contenteditable', 'plaintext-only');
q.$$$(element, '.text-input').focus();
if (success) {
submitting = false;
return element;