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import * as electronRemote from '@electron/remote';
const electronConsole = electronRemote.getGlobal('console') as Console;
import Logger from '../../logger/logger';
const LOG = Logger.create(__filename, electronConsole);
import * as StackTrace from '../../stack-trace/stack-trace';
import * as crypto from 'crypto';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
import * as socketio from 'socket.io-client';
import ConcurrentQueue from '../../concurrent-queue/concurrent-queue';
import { Message, Member, Channel, Changes, ConnectionInfo, CacheServerData, ServerMetaData, ServerConfig, ShouldNeverHappenError, Token } from './data-types';
import DBCache from './db-cache';
import ResourceRAMCache from './resource-ram-cache';
import RecentMessageRAMCache from './message-ram-cache';
// Events:
// 'connected' function() called when connected to the server
// 'disconnected' function() called when connection to the server is lost
// 'verified' function() called when verification handshake is completed
// 'update-server' function(serverData) called when the server metadata updates
// 'deleted-members' function(members) called when members were deleted on the server-side
// 'updated-members' function(data: Array [ { oldMember, newMember } ]) called when a member was updated on the server-side
// 'added-members' function(members) called when members were added on the server-side
// 'deleted-channels' function(channels) called when channels were deleted on the server-side
// 'updated-channels' function(data: Array [ { oldChannel, newChannel } ]) called when a channel was updated on the server-side
// 'added-channels' function(channels) called when channels are added on the server-side
// 'new-message' function(message) called when a message is received in a channel
// 'deleted-messages' function(messages) called when messages were deleted on the server-side
// 'updated-messages' function(data: Array [ { oldMessage, newMessage } ]) called when messages were updated on the server-side
// 'added-messages' function(addedAfter : Map<messageId -> addedMessage>, addedBefore : <messageId -> addedMessage>) called when messages were added on the server-side (that were not in our client-side db).
// Functions:
// these three have grab counterparts
// async fetchMetadata() Fetches the server information as { name, icon_resource_id }
// async fetchMembers() Fetches the server members as [ { id, display_name, avatar_resource_id }, ... ]
// async fetchChannels() Fetches the available channels as [ { id, name }, ... ]
// async fetchMessagesRecent(channelId, number) Fetches the most recent number messages in a channel [ Message, ... ]
// async fetchMessagesBefore(channelId, messageId, number) Fetches number messages before a specified message [ Message, ... ]
// async fetchMessagesAfter(channelId, messageId, number) Fetches number messages after a specified message [ Message, ... ]
// TODO: change this to grab
// async fetchResource(resourceId) Fetches the resource associated with a specified resrouceId
// async sendMessage(channelId, text) Sends a text message to a channel, returning the sent Message
// async sendMessageWithResource(channelId, text, resource, resourceName) Sends a text message with a resource to a channel, returning the sent Message. text is optional
// async setStatus(status) Set the current logged in user's status
// async setDisplayName(displayName) Sets the current logged in user's display name
// async setAvatar(avatarBuff)
// async updateChannel(channelId, name, flavorText) Updates a channel's name and flavor text
// async queryTokens() Queries for the login tokens as [ { token, member_id, created, expires }, ... ]
// async revokeToken(token) Revokes an outstanding token
interface FetchCachedAndVerifyProps<ClientType, ServerType> {
lock?: ConcurrentQueue<void>,
serverFunc: (() => Promise<ServerType>)
cacheFunc: (() => Promise<ClientType | null>),
cacheUpdateFunc: ((cacheData: ClientType | null, serverData: ServerType) => Promise<boolean>), // returns true if changes were made to the cache
updateEventName?: string | null,
export default class ClientController extends EventEmitter {
private dbCache: DBCache;
public id: string;
public memberId: string;
public url: string;
public publicKey: crypto.KeyObject;
public privateKey: crypto.KeyObject;
public serverCert: string
public socket: socketio.Socket;
private _metadata: ServerMetaData | CacheServerData | null;
private _recentMessages: RecentMessageRAMCache;
public channels: Map<string, Channel>;
public members: Map<string, Member>;
public channelsLock: ConcurrentQueue<void>;
public membersLock: ConcurrentQueue<void>;
public isVerified: boolean;
public resourceCallbacks: Map<string, ((err: any, resourceBuff: Buffer | null) => Promise<void> | void)[]>;
public dedupedCallbacks: Map<string, (() => Promise<void> | void)[]>;
constructor(dbCache: DBCache, config: ServerConfig) {
this.dbCache = dbCache;
// TODO: fetch these from the cache when they are needed rather than storing them in memory (especially private key)
let publicKey = typeof config.publicKey === 'string' ? crypto.createPublicKey(config.publicKey) : config.publicKey;
let privateKey = typeof config.privateKey === 'string' ? crypto.createPrivateKey(config.privateKey) : config.privateKey;
this.id = config.serverId + ''; // this is the client-side server id (from Cache)
this.memberId = config.memberId;
this.url = config.url;
this.publicKey = publicKey;
this.privateKey = privateKey;
this.serverCert = config.serverCert;
this.socket = socketio.connect(this.url, {
forceNew: true,
ca: this.serverCert, // this provides identity verification for the server
this._metadata = null; // use grabMetadata();
this._recentMessages = new RecentMessageRAMCache(); // use grabRecentMessages();
// These are used to make message objects more useful
// TODO: make these private
this.channels = new Map<string, Channel>(); // use grabChannels();
this.members = new Map<string, Member>(); // use grabMembers();
this.channelsLock = new ConcurrentQueue<void>(1);
this.membersLock = new ConcurrentQueue<void>(1);
this.isVerified = false;
this.resourceCallbacks = new Map<string, ((err: any, resourceBuff: Buffer | null) => Promise<void> | void)[]>(); // resourceId -> [ callbackFunc, ... ];
this.dedupedCallbacks = new Map<string, (() => Promise<void> | void)[]>(); // dedupeId -> [ callbackFunc, ... ];
_bindSocket(): void {
this.socket.on('connect', async () => {
LOG.info('connected to server#' + this.id);
// TODO: re-verify on verification failure?
await this.verify();
this.socket.on('disconnect', () => {
LOG.info('disconnected from server#' + this.id);
this.isVerified = false;
this._metadata = null;
this.socket.on('new-message', async (dataMessage) => {
await this.ensureMembers();
await this.ensureChannels();
let message = Message.fromDBData(dataMessage, this.members, this.channels);
await this.dbCache.upsertServerMessages(this.id, message.channel.id, [ message ]);
this._recentMessages.addNewMessage(this.id, message);
this.emit('new-message', message);
this.socket.on('update-member', async (member) => {
await this.ensureMembers();
let oldMember = this.members.get(member.id);
if (oldMember) {
this.emit('updated-members', [ { oldMember: oldMember, newMember: member } ]);
} else {
this.emit('added-members', [ member ]);
this.socket.on('update-channel', async (channel) => {
await this.ensureChannels();
let oldChannel = this.channels.get(channel.id);
if (oldChannel) {
this.emit('updated-channels', [ { oldChannel: oldChannel, newChannel: channel } ]);
} else {
this.emit('added-channels', [ channel ]);
this.socket.on('new-channel', async (channel) => {
await this.ensureChannels();
this.emit('added-channels', [ channel ]);
this.socket.on('update-server', async (serverMeta) => {
await this.dbCache.updateServer(this.id, serverMeta);
this.emit('update-server', serverMeta);
_bindInternalEvents(): void {
this.on('added-members', async (members: Member[]) => {
for (let member of members) {
this.members.set(member.id, member);
await this.dbCache.updateServerMembers(this.id, Array.from(this.members.values()));
this.on('updated-members', async (data: { oldMember: Member, newMember: Member }[]) => {
for (const { oldMember, newMember } of data) {
this.members.set(newMember.id, newMember);
await this.dbCache.updateServerMembers(this.id, Array.from(this.members.values()));
this.on('deleted-members', async (members: Member[]) => {
for (let member of members) {
await this.dbCache.updateServerMembers(this.id, Array.from(this.members.values()));
this.on('added-channels', async (channels: Channel[]) => {
for (let channel of channels) {
this.channels.set(channel.id, channel);
await this.dbCache.updateServerChannels(this.id, Array.from(this.channels.values()));
this.on('updated-channels', async (data: { oldChannel: Channel, newChannel: Channel }[]) => {
for (const { oldChannel, newChannel } of data) {
this.channels.set(newChannel.id, newChannel);
await this.dbCache.updateServerChannels(this.id, Array.from(this.channels.values()));
this.on('deleted-channels', async (channels: Channel[]) => {
for (let channel of channels) {
await this.dbCache.updateServerChannels(this.id, Array.from(this.channels.values()));
this.on('added-messages', async (channel: Channel, addedAfter: Map<string, Message>, addedBefore: Map<string, Message>) => {
// Adding messages is surprisingly complicated (see script.js's added-messages function)
// so we can just drop the channel and refresh it once if any messages got added while
// we were gone. Further, it is probably best to make 100% sure that the script.js
// implementation is correct before copying it elsewhere. (I'm 90% sure it is correct)
// Getting this correct and actually implementing the added-messages feature in the
// RAM cache would be useful for first-time joiners to a server, getting the channel
// messages for the first time
// Alternatively, just store the date in the message and use order-by
this._recentMessages.dropChannel(this.id, channel.id);
await this.dbCache.upsertServerMessages(this.id, channel.id, Array.from(addedAfter.values()));
this.on('updated-messages', async (channel: Channel, data: { oldMessage: Message, newMessage: Message }[]) => {
for (let { oldMessage, newMessage } of data) {
this._recentMessages.updateMessage(this.id, oldMessage, newMessage);
await this.dbCache.upsertServerMessages(this.id, channel.id, data.map(change => change.newMessage));
this.on('deleted-messages', async (_channel: Channel, messages: Message[]) => {
for (let message of messages) {
this._recentMessages.deleteMessage(this.id, message);
await this.dbCache.deleteServerMessages(this.id, messages.map(message => message.id));
_updateCachedMembers(members: Member[]): void {
for (let member of members) {
this.members.set(member.id, member);
_updateCachedChannels(channels: Channel[]): void {
for (let channel of channels) {
this.channels.set(channel.id, channel);
* Fetches data from the server but returns cached data if it already exists. If the server data comes back different
* from the cached data, emits an event with the server data
* @param lock A locking enqueue function to make sure that the cache data does not change while waiting for the server data to be requested.
* @param serverFunc A function() that returns the data from the server
* @param cacheFunc A function() that returns the data from the cache (returns null if no data)
* @param cacheUpdateFunc A function(cacheData, serverData) is called after the server data is fetched. It should be used to update the data in the cache
* @param updateEventName The name of the event to emit when the server data is different from the cache data (and the cache data is not null), null for no event
async _fetchCachedAndVerify<T, U>(props: FetchCachedAndVerifyProps<T, U>): Promise<T | U> {
const { lock, serverFunc, cacheFunc, cacheUpdateFunc, updateEventName } = props;
return await new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let func = async () => {
try {
let serverPromise = serverFunc();
let cacheData = await cacheFunc();
if (cacheData !== null) {
let serverData: U;
try {
serverData = await serverPromise;
} catch (e) {
if (cacheData !== null) {
// Print an error if this was already resolved
LOG.warn('Error fetching server data:', e);
} else {
throw e;
// make sure the 'added/deleted/updated' events get run before returning the server data
try {
let changesMade = await cacheUpdateFunc(cacheData, serverData);
if (updateEventName && cacheData != null && changesMade) {
this.emit(updateEventName, serverData);
} catch (e) {
LOG.error('error handling cache update', e);
if (cacheData == null) {
} catch (e) {
if (lock) {
await lock.push(func);
} else {
await func();
// This function is a promise for error stack tracking purposes.
async _socketEmitTimeout(ms: number, name: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<void> {
return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
let socketArgs = args.slice(0, args.length - 1);
let respond = args[args.length - 1];
let cutoff = false;
let timeout = setTimeout(() => {
cutoff = true;
respond('emit timeout');
}, ms);
this.socket.emit(name, ...socketArgs, (...respondArgs: any[]) => {
if (cutoff) {
* Queries data from the server
* @param endpoint The server-side socket endpoint
* @param args The server socket arguments
async _queryServer(endpoint: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any> {
// NOTE: socket.io may cause client-side memory leaks if the ack function is never called
await this.ensureVerified(5000);
let message = `querying s#${this.id} @${endpoint}(${args.map(arg => LOG.inspect(arg)).join(', ')})`;
//if (endpoint === 'fetch-messages-recent') LOG.silly(null, new Error('call stack'));
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._socketEmitTimeout(5000, endpoint, ...args, async (errMsg: string, serverData: any) => {
if (errMsg) {
reject(new Error('error fetching server data @' + endpoint + ' / [' + args.map(arg => LOG.inspect(arg)).join(', ') + ']: ' + errMsg));
} else {
// TODO: Make this "T extends something with an id"
static _getChanges<T>(cacheData: T[] | null, serverData: T[], equal: ((a: T, b: T) => boolean)): Changes<T> {
if (cacheData === null) {
return { updated: [], added: serverData, deleted: [] };
let updated: { oldDataPoint: T, newDataPoint: T }[] = [];
let added: T[] = [];
let deleted: T[] = [];
for (let serverDataPoint of serverData) {
let cacheDataPoint = cacheData.find((m: T) => (m as any).id == (serverDataPoint as any).id);
if (cacheDataPoint) {
if (!equal(cacheDataPoint, serverDataPoint)) {
updated.push({ oldDataPoint: cacheDataPoint, newDataPoint: serverDataPoint });
} else {
for (let cacheDataPoint of cacheData) {
let serverDataPoint = serverData.find((s: T) => (s as any).id == (cacheDataPoint as any).id);
if (serverDataPoint == null) {
return { updated, added, deleted };
disconnect(): void {
async verifyWithServer(): Promise<void> {
await new Promise<void>(async (resolve, reject) => {
// Solve the server's challenge
let publicKeyBuff = this.publicKey.export({ type: 'spki', format: 'der' });
this._socketEmitTimeout(5000, 'challenge', publicKeyBuff, (errMsg, algo, type, challenge) => {
if (errMsg) {
reject(new Error('challenge request failed: ' + errMsg));
const sign = crypto.createSign(algo);
let signature = sign.sign(this.privateKey, type);
this._socketEmitTimeout(5000, 'verify', signature, (errMsg, memberId) => {
if (errMsg) {
reject(new Error('verification request failed: ' + errMsg));
this.memberId = memberId;
this.dbCache.updateServerMemberId(this.id, this.memberId);
this.isVerified = true;
LOG.info(`s#${this.id} client verified as u#${this.memberId}`);
async verify(): Promise<void> {
await new Promise<void>(async (resolve, reject) => {
// Solve the server's challenge
let publicKeyBuff = this.publicKey.export({ type: 'spki', format: 'der' });
this._socketEmitTimeout(5000, 'challenge', publicKeyBuff, (errMsg, algo, type, challenge) => {
if (errMsg) {
reject(new Error('challenge request failed: ' + errMsg));
const sign = crypto.createSign(algo);
let signature = sign.sign(this.privateKey, type);
this._socketEmitTimeout(5000, 'verify', signature, (errMsg, memberId) => {
if (errMsg) {
reject(new Error('verification request failed: ' + errMsg));
this.memberId = memberId;
this.dbCache.updateServerMemberId(this.id, this.memberId);
this.isVerified = true;
LOG.info(`verified at server#${this.id} as u#${this.memberId}`);
// timeout is in ms
async ensureVerified(timeout: number): Promise<void> {
if (this.isVerified) {
await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
let timeoutId: any = null;
let listener = () => {
this.once('verified', listener);
timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
this.off('verified', listener);
reject(new Error('verification timeout'));
}, timeout);
async ensureMetadata(): Promise<void> {
if (this._metadata !== null) return;
await this.fetchMetadata();
async ensureMembers(): Promise<void> {
if (this.members.size > 0) return;
await this.fetchMembers();
async ensureChannels(): Promise<void> {
if (this.channels.size > 0) return;
await this.fetchChannels();
async getMyMember(): Promise<Member> {
await this.ensureMembers();
return this.members.get(this.memberId) as Member;
async grabMetadata(): Promise<ServerMetaData | CacheServerData> {
await this.ensureMetadata();
return this._metadata as ServerMetaData | CacheServerData;
async grabMembers(): Promise<Member[]> {
await this.ensureMembers();
return Array.from(this.members.values());
async grabChannels(): Promise<Channel[]> {
await this.ensureChannels();
return Array.from(this.channels.values());
async grabRecentMessages(channelId: string, number: number): Promise<Message[]> {
let cached = this._recentMessages.getRecentMessages(this.id, channelId, number);
if (cached !== null) return cached;
return await this.fetchMessagesRecent(channelId, number);
async fetchMetadata(): Promise<ServerMetaData | CacheServerData> {
function isDifferent(cacheData: CacheServerData | null, serverData: ServerMetaData) {
if (cacheData === null) return true;
return !!(cacheData.name != serverData.name || cacheData.iconResourceId != serverData.iconResourceId)
let metadata = await this._fetchCachedAndVerify<CacheServerData, ServerMetaData>({
serverFunc: async () => { return ServerMetaData.fromServerDBData(await this._queryServer('fetch-server')); },
cacheFunc: async () => { return await this.dbCache.getServer(this.id); },
cacheUpdateFunc: async (cacheData: CacheServerData | null, serverData: ServerMetaData) => {
if (!isDifferent(cacheData, serverData)) return false;
await this.dbCache.updateServer(this.id, serverData);
return true;
updateEventName: 'update-server',
this._metadata = metadata as ServerMetaData | CacheServerData;
return metadata;
// if not verified, will attempt to load from cache rather than waiting for verification
// returns { avatar_resource_id, display_name, status }
async fetchConnectionInfo(): Promise<ConnectionInfo> {
let connection: ConnectionInfo = {
id: null,
avatarResourceId: null,
displayName: 'Connecting...',
status: '',
privileges: [],
roleName: null,
roleColor: null,
rolePriority: null
if (this.isVerified) {
await this.ensureMembers();
let member = this.members.get(this.memberId);
if (member) {
connection.id = member.id;
connection.avatarResourceId = member.avatarResourceId;
connection.displayName = member.displayName;
connection.status = member.status;
connection.roleName = member.roleName;
connection.roleColor = member.roleColor;
connection.rolePriority = member.rolePriority;
connection.privileges = member.privileges;
} else {
LOG.warn('Unable to find self in members', this.members);
} else {
let cacheMembers = await this.dbCache.getMembers(this.id);
if (cacheMembers) {
let member = cacheMembers.find(m => m.id == this.memberId);
if (member) {
connection.id = member.id;
connection.avatarResourceId = member.avatarResourceId;
connection.displayName = member.displayName;
connection.status = 'connecting';
connection.privileges = [];
} else {
LOG.warn('Unable to find self in cached members');
return connection;
async fetchMembers(): Promise<Member[]> {
let members = await this._fetchCachedAndVerify<Member[], Member[]>({
lock: this.membersLock,
serverFunc: async () => {
let dataMembers = (await this._queryServer('fetch-members')) as any[];
return dataMembers.map((dataMember: any) => Member.fromDBData(dataMember));
cacheFunc: async () => { return await this.dbCache.getMembers(this.id); },
cacheUpdateFunc: async (cacheData: Member[] | null, serverData: Member[]) => {
function equal(cacheMember: Member, serverMember: Member) {
return (
cacheMember.id === serverMember.id &&
cacheMember.displayName === serverMember.displayName &&
cacheMember.status === serverMember.status &&
cacheMember.avatarResourceId === serverMember.avatarResourceId &&
cacheMember.roleName === serverMember.roleName &&
cacheMember.roleColor === serverMember.roleColor &&
cacheMember.rolePriority === serverMember.rolePriority &&
cacheMember.privileges.join(',') === serverMember.privileges.join(',')
let changes = ClientController._getChanges<Member>(cacheData, serverData, equal);
if (changes.updated.length == 0 && changes.added.length == 0 && changes.deleted.length == 0) {
return false;
await this.dbCache.updateServerMembers(this.id, serverData);
if (changes.deleted.length > 0) {
this.emit('deleted-members', changes.deleted);
if (changes.added.length > 0) {
this.emit('added-members', changes.added);
if (changes.updated.length > 0) {
this.emit('updated-members', changes.updated.map(change => ({ oldMember: change.oldDataPoint, newMember: change.newDataPoint })));
return true;
updateEventName: null,
return members;
async fetchChannels(): Promise<Channel[]> {
let changes: Changes<Channel> | null = null;
let channels = await this._fetchCachedAndVerify<Channel[], Channel[]>({
lock: this.channelsLock,
serverFunc: async () => {
let dataChannels = (await this._queryServer('fetch-channels')) as any[];
return dataChannels.map((dataChannel: any) => Channel.fromDBData(dataChannel));
cacheFunc: async () => { return await this.dbCache.getChannels(this.id); },
cacheUpdateFunc: async (cacheData: Channel[] | null, serverData: Channel[]) => {
function equal(cacheChannel: Channel, serverChannel: Channel) {
return cacheChannel.id == serverChannel.id &&
cacheChannel.index == serverChannel.index &&
cacheChannel.name == serverChannel.name &&
cacheChannel.flavorText == serverChannel.flavorText;
let changes = ClientController._getChanges(cacheData, serverData, equal);
if (changes.updated.length == 0 && changes.added.length == 0 && changes.deleted.length == 0) {
return false;
// All cache updates are handled by internal event handlers
if (changes.deleted.length > 0) {
this.emit('deleted-channels', changes.deleted);
if (changes.added.length > 0) {
this.emit('added-channels', changes.added);
if (changes.updated.length > 0) {
this.emit('updated-channels', changes.updated.map(change => ({ oldChannel: change.oldDataPoint, newChannel: change.newDataPoint })));
return true;
updateEventName: null,
return channels;
// channelId: the id of the channel the messages were fetched from (used in the events)
// firstMessageId: the first message in the current list of messages
// lastMessageId: the last element in the current list of messages
private async updateMessageCache(
channelId: string,
firstMessageId: string | null,
lastMessageId: string | null,
cacheMessages: Message[] | null,
serverMessages: Message[]
): Promise<boolean> {
function equal(cacheMessage: Message, serverMessage: Message) {
return cacheMessage.id == serverMessage.id &&
cacheMessage.channel.id == serverMessage.channel.id &&
cacheMessage.member.id == serverMessage.member.id &&
cacheMessage.sent.getTime() == serverMessage.sent.getTime() &&
cacheMessage.text == serverMessage.text &&
cacheMessage.resourceId == serverMessage.resourceId &&
cacheMessage.resourceName == serverMessage.resourceName &&
cacheMessage.resourceWidth == serverMessage.resourceWidth &&
cacheMessage.resourceHeight == serverMessage.resourceHeight &&
cacheMessage.resourcePreviewId == serverMessage.resourcePreviewId
let diffFound = false;
let updatedMessages: { oldMessage: Message, newMessage: Message }[] = [];
let addedAfter = new Map<string, Message>(); // messageId -> message added after this message
let addedBefore = new Map<string, Message>(); // messageId -> message added before this message
for (let i = 0; i < serverMessages.length; ++i) {
let serverMessage = serverMessages[i];
let cacheMessage = cacheMessages?.find(m => serverMessage.id == m.id);
if (cacheMessage) {
if (!equal(cacheMessage, serverMessage)) {
diffFound = true;
oldMessage: cacheMessage,
newMessage: serverMessage,
} else {
// items in server not in cache are added
diffFound = true;
let comesAfter = serverMessages[i - 1] || { id: lastMessageId }; // this message comesAfter comesAfter
let comesBefore = serverMessages[i + 1] || { id: firstMessageId }; // this message comesBefore comesBefore
addedAfter.set(comesAfter.id, serverMessage);
addedBefore.set(comesBefore.id, serverMessage);
let deletedMessages: Message[] = [];
if (cacheMessages !== null) {
for (let cacheMessage of cacheMessages) {
let serverMessage = serverMessages.find(m => cacheMessage.id == m.id);
if (serverMessage == null) {
// items in cache not in server are deleted
diffFound = true;
// Send out the events and update the cache
if (cacheMessages !== null) {
if (cacheMessages.length > 0 && deletedMessages.length === cacheMessages.length) {
// if all of the cache data was invalid, it is likely that it needs to be cleared
// this typically happens when the server got a lot of new messages since the cache
// was last updated
await this.dbCache.clearServerMessages(this.id, deletedMessages[0].channel.id);
} else if (deletedMessages.length > 0) {
// Messages from the cache that come on the far side of the request are marked as deleted
// so they are deleted from the UI. However, they should not be removed from the cache
// yet since they most likely have not been pulled from the server yet. (and will be
// very likely pulled from the server on the next fetch).
let cacheDeletedMessages = deletedMessages.slice();
let i: number | null = null;
if (firstMessageId || (firstMessageId == null && lastMessageId == null)) { // before & recent
i = 0;
while (cacheDeletedMessages.length > 0 && cacheDeletedMessages[0].id == cacheMessages[i].id) {
if (lastMessageId) { // after
i = 0;
while (cacheDeletedMessages.length > 0 && cacheDeletedMessages[cacheDeletedMessages.length - 1].id == cacheMessages[cacheMessages.length - 1 - i].id) {
//LOG.debug('skipping ' + i + ' deleted messages on the cache side -> deleting ' + cacheDeletedMessages.length + ' cache messages instead of ' + deletedMessages.length);
if (cacheDeletedMessages.length > 0) {
await this.dbCache.deleteServerMessages(this.id, cacheDeletedMessages.map(m => m.id));
if (deletedMessages.length > 0) { // make sure to do deleted before added
this.emit('deleted-messages', this.channels.get(channelId), deletedMessages);
if (updatedMessages.length > 0) {
this.emit('updated-messages', this.channels.get(channelId), updatedMessages);
if (addedAfter.size > 0 || addedBefore.size > 0) {
this.emit('added-messages', this.channels.get(channelId), addedAfter, addedBefore);
return diffFound;
async fetchMessagesRecent(channelId: string, number: number): Promise<Message[]> {
await this.ensureMembers();
await this.ensureChannels();
let messages = await this._fetchCachedAndVerify<Message[], Message[]>({
serverFunc: async () => {
let dataMessages = await this._queryServer('fetch-messages-recent', channelId, number) as any[];
return dataMessages.map((dataMessage: any) => Message.fromDBData(dataMessage, this.members, this.channels));
cacheFunc: async () => {
return await this.dbCache.getMessagesRecent(this.id, channelId, number, this.members, this.channels);
cacheUpdateFunc: async (cacheData: Message[] | null, serverData: Message[]) => {
return await this.updateMessageCache(channelId, null, null, cacheData, serverData);
updateEventName: null // all events are handled in diffFunc
this._recentMessages.putRecentMessages(this.id, channelId, messages);
return messages;
async fetchMessagesBefore(channelId: string, messageId: string, number: number): Promise<Message[] | null> {
await this.ensureMembers();
await this.ensureChannels();
let messages = await this._fetchCachedAndVerify<Message[], Message[] | null>({
serverFunc: async () => {
let dataMessages = await this._queryServer('fetch-messages-before', channelId, messageId, number) as any[];
return dataMessages.map((dataMessage: any) => Message.fromDBData(dataMessage, this.members, this.channels));
cacheFunc: async () => {
return await this.dbCache.getMessagesBefore(this.id, channelId, messageId, number, this.members, this.channels);
cacheUpdateFunc: async (cacheData: Message[] | null, serverData: Message[]) => {
return await this.updateMessageCache(channelId, messageId, null, cacheData, serverData);
updateEventName: null // all events are handled in diffFunc
return messages;
async fetchMessagesAfter(channelId: string, messageId: string, number: number): Promise<Message[] | null> {
await this.ensureMembers();
await this.ensureChannels();
let messages = await this._fetchCachedAndVerify<Message[], Message[] | null>({
serverFunc: async () => {
let dataMessages = await this._queryServer('fetch-messages-after', channelId, messageId, number) as any[];
return dataMessages.map((dataMessage: any) => Message.fromDBData(dataMessage, this.members, this.channels));
cacheFunc: async () => { return await this.dbCache.getMessagesAfter(this.id, channelId, messageId, number, this.members, this.channels); },
cacheUpdateFunc: async (cacheData: Message[] | null, serverData: Message[]) => {
return await this.updateMessageCache(channelId, null, messageId, cacheData, serverData);
updateEventName: null // all events are handled in diffFunc
return messages;
async _fetchResourceInternal(resourceId: string): Promise<Buffer> {
// not using standard _fetchCached here because server-side resources never change.
// rather, the resource_id would be updated if it changes for a message, server icon, avatar, etc.
// this provides for a much simpler cache system (3 stages, client-memory, client-db, server-side)
// since all serverId / resourceId pairs will never update their resource buffers, this cache becomes exceedingly simple
let resourceCacheDataBuff = ResourceRAMCache.getResource(this.id, resourceId);
if (resourceCacheDataBuff != null) {
return resourceCacheDataBuff;
let cacheData = await this.dbCache.getResource(this.id, resourceId);
if (cacheData !== null) {
ResourceRAMCache.putResource(this.id, resourceId, cacheData.data);
return cacheData.data;
// Note: Not pre-requesting from server asynchronously to reduce fetch-resource requests
let serverData = await this._queryServer('fetch-resource', resourceId);
ResourceRAMCache.putResource(this.id, resourceId, serverData.data);
await this.dbCache.upsertServerResources(this.id, [ serverData ]);
return serverData.data;
* Deduplicates client-side resource requests. Useful for when the client wants to fetch an avatar
* multiple times for the channel feed. Or if there is a duplicate image in the feed.
* @param resourceId
async fetchResource(resourceId: string): Promise<Buffer> {
return await new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
let resultFunc = (err: any, resourceBuff: Buffer | null) => {
if (err) {
} else if (resourceBuff) {
} else {
reject(new ShouldNeverHappenError('no buffer or error!'));
if (this.resourceCallbacks.has(resourceId)) {
} else {
this.resourceCallbacks.set(resourceId, [ resultFunc ]);
let result: Buffer | null = null;
let err: any = null;
try {
result = await this._fetchResourceInternal(resourceId);
} catch (e) {
err = e;
for (let callbackFunc of this.resourceCallbacks.get(resourceId) ?? []) {
callbackFunc(err, result);
async sendMessage(channelId: string, text: string) {
let dataMessage = await this._queryServer('send-message', channelId, text);
await this.ensureMembers();
await this.ensureChannels();
return Message.fromDBData(dataMessage, this.members, this.channels);
async sendMessageWithResource(channelId: string, text: string | null, resourceBuff: Buffer, resourceName: string) {
let dataMessage = await this._queryServer('send-message-with-resource', channelId, text, resourceBuff, resourceName);
await this.ensureMembers();
await this.ensureChannels();
return Message.fromDBData(dataMessage, this.members, this.channels);
async setStatus(status: string): Promise<void> {
// wow, that's simple for a change
await this._queryServer('set-status', status);
async setDisplayName(displayName: string): Promise<void> {
await this._queryServer('set-display-name', displayName);
async setAvatar(avatarBuff: Buffer): Promise<void> {
await this._queryServer('set-avatar', avatarBuff);
async setName(name: string): Promise<ServerMetaData> {
return ServerMetaData.fromServerDBData(await this._queryServer('set-name', name));
async setIcon(iconBuff: Buffer): Promise<ServerMetaData> {
return ServerMetaData.fromServerDBData(await this._queryServer('set-icon', iconBuff));
async updateChannel(channelId: string, name: string, flavorText: string | null): Promise<Channel> {
return Channel.fromDBData(await this._queryServer('update-channel', channelId, name, flavorText));
async createChannel(name: string, flavorText: string | null): Promise<Channel> {
return Channel.fromDBData(await this._queryServer('create-text-channel', name, flavorText));
async queryTokens(): Promise<Token[]> {
// No cacheing for now, this is a relatively small request and comes
// after a context-menu click so it's not as important to cache as the
// channels, members, and messages
let dataTokens = await this._queryServer('fetch-tokens');
await this.ensureMembers();
return dataTokens.map(dataToken => {
return Token.fromDBData(dataToken, this.members);
async revokeToken(token: string): Promise<void> {
return await this._queryServer('revoke-token', token);
close(): void {