import * as electronRemote from '@electron/remote'; const electronConsole = electronRemote.getGlobal('console') as Console; import Logger from '../../../logger/logger'; const LOG = Logger.create(__filename, electronConsole); import Actions from "../actions"; import Q from "../q-module"; import UI from "../ui"; export default function bindInfiniteScrollEvents(q: Q, ui: UI): void { // Update current channel messages as the pane is scrolled let loadingBefore = false; let loadingAfter = false; async function updateInfiniteScroll() { let scrollTop = q.$('#channel-feed-content-wrapper').scrollTop; let scrollHeight = q.$('#channel-feed-content-wrapper').scrollHeight; let clientHeight = q.$('#channel-feed-content-wrapper').clientHeight; // WARNING // There's likely an inconsistency between browsers on this so have fun when you're working // on the cross-platform implementation of this // scrollTop apparantly is negative for column-reverse divs (this actually kindof makes sense if you flip your head upside down) // have to reverse this // I expect this was a change with some version of chromium. // MDN documentation issue: let distToTop = -(clientHeight - scrollHeight - scrollTop); // keep in mind scrollTop is negative >:] let distToBottom = -scrollTop; //LOG.debug('update infinite scroll', { scrollTop, scrollHeight, clientHeight, distToTop, distToBottom, loadingBefore, loadingAfter }); if (ui.activeGuild === null) return; if (ui.activeChannel === null) return; if (!loadingBefore && !ui.messagesAtTop && distToTop < 600) { // Approaching the unloaded top of the page // Fetch more messages to add above LOG.debug('fetching messages before', { loadingBefore, messagesAtTop: ui.messagesAtTop, distToTop }); loadingBefore = true; await Actions.fetchAndUpdateMessagesBefore(q, ui, ui.activeGuild, ui.activeChannel); loadingBefore = false; } else if (!loadingAfter && !ui.messagesAtBottom && distToBottom < 600) { // Approaching the unloaded bottom of the page // Fetch more messages to add below LOG.debug('fetching messages after', { loadingAfter, messagesAtBottom: ui.messagesAtBottom, distToBottom: distToBottom }); loadingAfter = true; await Actions.fetchAndUpdateMessagesAfter(q, ui, ui.activeGuild, ui.activeChannel); loadingAfter = false; } } q.$('#channel-feed-content-wrapper').addEventListener('scroll', updateInfiniteScroll); (q.$('#channel-feed-content-wrapper') as any).updateInfiniteScroll = updateInfiniteScroll; // custom element function }