Elipzer 3205680062 Fixed Camera
Also added a required prerender function to scene and application.
This function is intended to be used as a way to prepare the scene
to be rendered in its current state. For that reason, the delta
time and the current clock tick are not passed to it.
2018-09-12 11:22:56 -04:00

33 lines
545 B

#pragma once
#include "Scene.h"
#include "Camera2D.h"
#include "MyBatch.h"
#include "MySimpleShaderProgram.h"
class MySimple2DScene : public Scene
MySimple2DScene(Application& application);
void init() override;
void use() override;
void unuse() override;
void update(float delta_time, clock_t clock) override;
void prerender() override;
void render() override;
MySimpleShaderProgram m_shader_program;
MySimpleShaderProgram::Renderable m_shape;
MyBatch m_batch;
Camera2D m_camera;