/// Qualify GLM types in term of alignment (packed, aligned) and precision in term of ULPs (lowp, mediump, highp)
packed_highp,///< Typed data is tightly packed in memory and operations are executed with high precision in term of ULPs
packed_mediump,///< Typed data is tightly packed in memory and operations are executed with medium precision in term of ULPs for higher performance
packed_lowp,///< Typed data is tightly packed in memory and operations are executed with low precision in term of ULPs to maximize performance
aligned_highp,///< Typed data is aligned in memory allowing SIMD optimizations and operations are executed with high precision in term of ULPs
aligned_mediump,///< Typed data is aligned in memory allowing SIMD optimizations and operations are executed with high precision in term of ULPs for higher performance
aligned_lowp,// ///< Typed data is aligned in memory allowing SIMD optimizations and operations are executed with high precision in term of ULPs to maximize performance
aligned=aligned_highp,///< By default aligned qualifier is also high precision
# endif
highp=packed_highp,///< By default highp qualifier is also packed
mediump=packed_mediump,///< By default mediump qualifier is also packed
lowp=packed_lowp,///< By default lowp qualifier is also packed
packed=packed_highp,///< By default packed qualifier is also high precision